Interesting Fugro opportunity. 1. Trendlines 2. Financials 3. Advises 4. Taking Positions 1. Trendlines Bottom trendlines upwards (5Year), and top trendline downwards (10 Year) are crossing each other this week. - The next 1-2 weeks is going to be an important in which direction the share will develop. - Last 4 - 5 years minor trend line is trending up....
MCD - Mac Donald Corp Trend line has a Major strong trend line. - Indicators showing first signs for uptrend. - Graphic showing position at bottom MAJOR trend line . Posible profit: - 10% profit fot the next 3m - 6m must be easely reached. - If it fails it will follow the bottom trend line and is still uptrending. Biggest risk is the at home delivery...
3U holding has reached the 10 years low trend cycle. Positive: - The forecast price target changed to 3,00 - 3,50 on short/ Mid term. - Trend cycle is testing now. Will it hold 220 level of breaking trough cycle (yellow line). Negative: - Negative trend cycle is strong. but mainly due tue a huge dividend given to investors. 3,20 per share in may 2023 at a price...
The trend is speaking for itself. What Sell should you choose? 1. Safe Sell 2. Good Sell 3. Best sell