I computed lots of data, until the math revealed itself and fit together like a puzzle piece within a shortening (bear market only) cycles "theory". This would mean the curve would slowly straiten out faster as well as continued diminishing returns. This is just purely for fun and speculation, and should not be taken as investment advice, because the math does fit...
As you can see, the GOLDEN RATIO Fibonacci "sacred geometry" programming has timed the exact bottom of BTC. This is no surprise, has nature has created BITCOIN to be a once in a lifetime anomaly of perfect harmonic resonance. Please, if you like this idea, help me gain my final reputation point needed to message others.
Institutions pump the market while continuing their sell-off trajectory, liquidating the little guys along the way. WIll things play out similarly as in 2018? It's hard to tell... However, Trading is a greater fools game, which is why we are even allowed to trade at all. Markets exist to make the rich richer, and the rich control the market, taking liquidity...
As you can see from the highlighted dots I indicated on the charts while using several combined indicator charts/signals such as the RSI, volume squeeze, and Keltner Channels; when all three highlighted areas line up virtical, there is a 30-90 minute window to exit the trade in profit. I charted this back to 2017. What do you guys think? I would love to hear your...