All assets resonate to a number based on the earths rotation and master clock. Ethereum vibrates to the number 120 and so we can see when we add or subtract 120 from our base pivot, we arrive and key support and resistance levels.
What news media flash will trigger the next crisis Q1 2023?
Stand for global sovereignty and human/women's rights. Together we will be victorious.
The date isn't meant to be precise, but rather a range of several weeks before and after when the bottom could fall. All cycles on this planet have been governed by very technical planetary data since the dawn of time. We shouldn't assume the bottom is in until after November, but it's also risky to presume it isn't in until then. Make sure you trade safe!
Pivot date August 20th, or perhaps just a pause on its way down. Expect crisis to happen September-November with the cycle low happening from October-November.
BITCOIN SUN ENTERS LEO - Get ready for a final leg down within the next few months. Low by November.
Please read the previous post caption which better explains this post. Sharing an extra confluence with all the bearish elements from the 20-25th starting tomorrow. Price is meeting resistance at the 1x1 important line.
Ethereum is finding resistance at a key Gann level, as well as a series of malefic (red) bearish aspects approaching from the 20-25th and Moon at 0 timed pivot as well as time-squared. so many confluences calling for a drop over the next 5 days. Not guaranteed but likely.
So what happens next...? Bitcoin Mars Planetary Speed Time Keeper.
Entering bearish MALEFIC (RED) planetary zone + hella 🐻 divergence from July 20th-25th so please plan and prepare accordingly. 📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻📉🐻
"Moon At Zero" is one of @NasserHumood most valuable indicators. When used with some common sense one can count the bars manually from phase to phase for clues. For instance, counting 2 bars unto the next moon at zero dotted line presently with back data observation reveals with 95% repeated consistency what has happened in price. One can then begin to observe...
Posting this as an updated price history as the price of Bitcoin approaches the "every other" secondary purple line of the bear cycle heliocentric. ❤️ ♈️ 🧡 ♈️ 💛 ♈️ 💚 ♈️ 💙 ♈️ 💜 ♈️ 🤍 ♈️ ❤️ ♈️ 🧡 ♈️ 💛 ♈️ 💚 ♈️ 💙 ♈️ 💜 ♈️ 🤍
This target is for November 2022 which would be the lowest low. Price might not actually reach this low, but I would assume this would be the lowest price if history repeats its measured moves.
I published this chart for you to use in harmony with your own conclusions and analysis. The time cycles and lunar aspects are marked with horizontal lines - green aspects being harmonious and orange/red as discord. These are cause for pivots marking local tops/bottoms. The time cycles are marked with the half circles and the support zones - where I expect...
This is only if historical cycle patterns continue to remain true to form. Somewhere in the 575-675 range could be the low for Ethereum.
Heliocentric publishing this only for my personal notes and data to refer back to.
Using a simple 50% Gann level can work wonders for your trading game and provide that extra bit of confidence needed to not exit trades too early or trail your stop-loss too tightly for fear of price reversing too soon. Simply pull if from most recent consecutive pivot markers high/low/high or visa versa.
𓃭 Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do 𓃭 Fa La La La La 𓃭 Patterns rhythm and rhyme.