These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Some zones will match previous highs and lows, since Fibs are derived from the extremes. Some zones will not match anything previous, but they are Fib multiples and THOSE are the important ones. Where prices overlap on the zone lines, drag the Right (price) Axis up to magnify and reduce...
That's a LOT of lines, I know. Kind of like ''draw a bunch of random lines and some of them will work", right? This asset has just been so choppy, that it has left a LOT of ripples. But it looks like it might be leaving the chop range. So that should help me define better resonance frequencies soon. Also, I found a way to make the zones go back to origin...
Like catching pennies in front a freight train maybe. But it has dropped a lot, with momentum building, shown by the increase in Fib distances covered with each move. But it has to stop somewhere and bounce a wee bit? I am hoping to catch the 5.618 extension ride back to 2.618 test.
That was a dramatic drop yesterday. Now I am watching the bounce, and will be measuring it to evaluate progress from here. I am long term bear, since this first trade in Early April: I have been taking some profts here and there, adding shorts at opportune moments. My last updated outlook in Mid-May is here: I am evaulating this latest move to see if above...
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Fib extensions and retracements are projected forward in time and price. If price bounces or reverses, it will probably do so at one of these zones. Some zones will match previous highs and lows, since Fibs are derived from the extremes. Some zones will not match anything previous, but they...
Updated some Zones after the considerable recent movements. USD looks very strong across the board. The reaction (or not) at each of these zones will be very telling. Where prices overlap, drag the Right (price) Axis up to magnify and reduce overlap vertically. There are zones above and below the current window, Drag the Chart up/down to see other zones....
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Fib extensions and retracements are projected forward in time and price. If price bounces or reverses, it will probably do so at one of these zones. Some zones will match previous highs and lows, since Fibs are derived from the extremes. Some zones will not match anything previous, but they...
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Fib extensions and retracements are projected forward in time and price. If price bounces or reverses, it will probably do so at one of these zones. Some zones will match previous highs and lows, since Fibs are derived from the extremes. Some zones will not match anything previous, but they...
Fib traders look for the ''natural rhythm'' of a market. But where exactly to place the ends can be subjective. I make it more objective by wiggling until price tells me. Sometimes the Highest High to Lowest Low is NOT best. Sometimes there are long wicks so hard to place one end. Sometimes momentum will take price further than it ''should'' While drawing the...
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Where prices overlap, drag the Right (price) Axis up to magnify and reduce overlap vertically. There are zones above and below the current window, Drag the Chart up/down to see other zones. Drag bottom axis to the left to magnify the candle size to view close up. I will update as new...
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. I recalculated all of the zones from scratch. after the massive down move. Some zones will match previous highs and lows, since Fibs are derived from the extremes. Some zones will not match anything previous, but they are Fib multiples and THOSE are the important ones. Zones that are far...
Based on news. Hopefully, I can place a trailing stop at break even or better before the press conference.
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Some zones will match previous highs and lows, since Fibs are derived from the extremes. Some zones will not match anything previous, but they are Fib multiples and THOSE are the important ones. Where prices overlap on the zone lines, drag the Right (price) Axis up to magnify and reduce...
After FOMC ok news, and AUS employment mixed bag news. AUDSUD took an initial dip on the FOMC even, then retraced to the .618 fib. I shorted then, hoping that the upcoming AUS news would not be very strong (neither bull nor bear). The zones shown are from my Fibonacci based Support Resistance Analysis:
Trying again FOMC reaction. US raises rate as expected. They also confirmed two more hikes likely this year. The marked zones are from my Fibonacci Support Resistance analysis:
FOMC reaction. US raises rate as expected. They also confirmed two more hikes likely this year. The marked zones are from my Fibonacci Support Resistance analysis:
These zones are calculated using Fibonacci Ratios of past price moves. Where prices overlap, drag the Right (price) Axis up to magnify and reduce overlap vertically. There are zones above and below the current window, Drag the Chart up/down to see other zones. Drag bottom axis to the left to magnify the candle size to view close up. I will update as new...
The S&P Index looks to be in a Wave 5 up. Wave 3 was quite strong, and wave 4 retrace was weak. So I think we will reach for the next .618 around 2810 soon. But it is probably TOO LATE TO BUY. The best time to buy was at bottom of recent consolidation....