EN: Friends, I really don't think we will go above about $19,227. We are still living with inflation, war in Ukraine, covid and overall we are going or already in recession. From my perspective bitcoin has now hit an imaginary top and we will go down. I see the $16,000 as the most likely stop. Hang in there folks and start enjoying the Christmas holidays. ...
EN: There's a lot of data coming our way this week, central banks are going to dump a lot of information on us and from my perspective I don't see it going long. Consider if you want to be in the market at all. Another thing is Christmas, we may see a leg up right after the data. In the meantime enjoy the Christmas season, it's better to relax and get back to...
EN: My strategy now is to watch gold if it decides to go up. I would like to pick up shorts in those 2 blue zones. Watch out for US data, consider if you want to be in the market. CZ: Moje strategie je teď sledovat zlato pokud se rozhodne jít up. Chtěl bych nabírat shorty v těch 2 modrých zónách. Dávejte si pozor na data z USA, zvažte, pokud chcete být v trhu.
EN: We formed a nice short on BTC where we went all the way down to the zone. Now I would like to see at least one FVG pick. We still have a lot to pick though, there is a chance to look at 18K values as well, which Christmas helps. After that, I would see it going back down to easily 16-14K. CZ: Na BTC se nám utvořil krásný short, kde jsme šli až do zóny...
EN: on CTSI, we could see a nice short right now. I could see it looking into one of those zones and then a possible long. I would definitely watch that and then possibly long. CZ: na CTSI jsme mohli vidět teď krásný short. Viděl bych to, že se podíváme do jedné z těch zón a pak možný long. Určitě bych to sledoval a pak případně longoval.
EN: on the 30 minute chart it's more of a pull-back (for the FVG), but on the 4 hour chart we can go up to 17,600 - 18,700 If we go up to that $18,700, it's 100% short for me. Otherwise on the intraday I want to see that pull-back CZ: na 30 minutovém grafu je to spíše pull-back (pro ten FVG), avšak na 4 hodinovém grafu si můžeme jít až pro 17600 - 18...
EN: I see it now still down to that zone, then a breakout and long could come. if it goes that way every orange line is a take profit. In that red zone watch for movement, if no breakout comes we can go even lower. CZ: Vidím to teď ještě down do té zóny, pak by mohl přijít průraz a long. pokud to tak půjde každá tak každá oranžová čára je take profit. V té...
EN: On BTC, we're holding around the POC, I'd see it more of a descent into that zone, but we'll probably stay here for a while. Also keep an eye on those orange lines, if we go there it's perfect for shorting. CZ: na BTC se držíme kolem POC, víc bych to viděl na sešup do té zóny, ale budeme se tady nejspíš chvilku držet. Také dávajte pozor na ty oranžové...
EN: This move was not natural, so I would count on a slight long, but we still have one major zone below us, so I would wait to see what happens. CZ: Tento pohyb nebyl přirozený, tedy bych počítal s lehkým longem, ale furt máme ještě jednu hlavní zónu pod náma, takže bych čekal co se stane.
Quick scalp long BTc-- zone to zone.. we will see what BTC do next