- Some potential counter, it should be doing uptrend. Careful not to put much effort onto this. Seek best interest.
. This might be a long way before it turns back uptrending. Either keep holding or buy on dip. For some reason, I assume FEG will rise again soon.
_ In my previous watch, seems this counter show some potential to growth in second.
_ This counter has some bullish indicator. Which is goin closer to R-01.
- This counter having a long term of bearish condition. It should going for reversal sooner
- I haven't try onto this counter before. Seem it shown some good vibrancies
Note/ - There is possible rally on this counter. Seek for best entry / exit
Note - I spotted some good counter for this week. Possible for long run rally. Seek best entry/ exit
Note. - After a long correction period, its finally doing some breakout and hopefully it will successful. Suggestion are on the charts
Note - Goin for short. Volume is decreasing. Seek for the best entry/ exit
- Coinbase are now awaken. It goin for long. Seek best entry / exit
Note - There is some volume coming in. Seek best entry/ exit. Suggestion on the chart
There is some rally on this counter. Hopefully can last a bit longer
- Current progression of BTC's correctional, seems like it gonna to blow uptrending. This will be the best time to pump in some credits.
Note - After long regression of downtrend movement, finally it hits close breakout with new comin' of increasing vol. in. Chart may shown a suggestion pivot point for EP entry.