Got asked to do this chart And it was so good Decided to post it including my scrawl NOT TARDING ADVICE GRI2022
Of course it's not nailed on But the geometry is all there for the move Let's see what happens NOT TARDING ADVICE GRI 2022
Not confident about second Confident about first Needs to break red dashed line Then i think it will sit in yellow triangle From there the moonshot is possible but not probable at this stage GRI 2022
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Got this on fire sale today Some targets shown 'I like the cars so much i bought the stonk' Sort of Just looking for a pamp GRI 2022 NOT TARDING ADVICE
Institutional traders paid $8.1 billion to initiate purchases of equity puts last week, the highest total premium in at least 22 years, Options Clearing Corp. data compiled by Sundial Capital Research show. Adjusted for market capitalization, demand for hedges matches levels from the 2008 financial crisis. Geometric Charting This won't end...
Apparently this guy runs a hedge fund for ancient aliens So i'm not sure if he gives tarding advice? Let's see what happens GRI 2022
I am aware of this corp lol Just randomly looked at chart Not a distressed buy But nice 50% retrace and geometry Bull af imho NOT TARDING ADVICE GRI2022
well sort of but u do u Geometric charting GRI2022 ps- historic oversold, no one wants to buy this, majority calling for 12k and so on...
Ok bitcoin dumping today can rekt this temporarily But i ain't seen a better setup for something on 🔥 sale All on the chart GRI 2022
All looks ok at present At the mercy of btc ofc Could be this week or might not be let's see how things go Going to have a good year imho GRI 2022
Not tarding advice Geometric charting Hidden bull if it bottoms here GRI2022
NOT TARDING ADVICE Geometric charting If stonks bounce so should this GRI 2022 Bull div
If we break the red line it's moon time Geometric charting Bull div GRI 2022
No idea what this is Murican food? Corn syrup? Koolaid? Quadruple cheesburgers? Anyway i longed me some GRI 2022 Chart- geometric Indi- bull div
(For alts) Let's see what happens GRI2022 GEOMETRIC CHARTING NOT TARDING ADVICE
Pivots and trends Likely next move as shown Similar areas on RSI marked GRI 2022 NOT TARDING ADVICE
Some sort of south east asian Amazon/Paypal/Tencent hybrid Sounds good right? Been obliterated Looks like it's trying to bottom to me Some targets as shown GRI 2022
Fib retrace/geometric support---->downtrend Needs to make a higher low ofc GRI 2022