I guess we found our bottom on oil price like 35$ in 2009. The worst scenario is in price right now so I don't see the strength to push the price lower. Of course, there can be try to squeeze sl below 20$, but that's all. It doesn't mean that it's going up right now, but seems to a long accumalation time, so if you are looking for a bottom with small risk, I...
In my opinion, the one thing that keeps sp500 above 2600 is "end of quarter day", but there is no power to go higher and there is no point to do that? Bull market is going back or what? So I guess now or after end of day we will see sell-off.
Fake breakuot or double bottom on 20$ or Trump calling Putin with question "wtf you did to oil price?"
Long to have a nice end of bullish week
Observing the rapidly developing market situation related mainly to the coranovirus pandemic, I have general thoughts about what will happen in the near future. We are currently facing a major crisis that will not end as soon as in 2008 due to the fact that the situation is much more complicated than the banking crisis in 2008. I believe that the markets will...
Observing the rapidly developing market situation related mainly to the coranovirus pandemic, I have general thoughts about what will happen in the near future. We are currently facing a major crisis that will not end as soon as in 2008 due to the fact that the situation is much more complicated than the banking crisis in 2008. I believe that the markets will...