Find the Sell Signal then take Sell Short. Ride the big trend
You can take Counter Trend to Sell Short before hit the Support and then we follow the Big Trend
Counter Trend_ Take SELL SHORT but always protect by Your Money Management
Wait for Buy Confirmation at the support line. I find there is a Descending Wedge at Daily Chart.
watch for breakout... there is a symmetrical triangle appeared
Look for Sell Short. Wait for confirmation candle
You can ENTRY BUY then it will continue it bearish movement
You can take Counter Trend _ SELL after it hit Support then continue BUY
Look for entry Trigger... You can entry SELL then wait again for entry BUY
Bearish Trend... You can using COUNTER TREND Trading. Then it will continue its BEARISH movement
There is a Triangle Pattern.... Watch for break out and make a Trend Transition