Follow price and watch when Monday lows from China session or London Session gets taken out... Timing is your only real edge so watch when the Session opens and watch n wait for the low of the day/ last Session Lows to be worked into... Monday/Tuesday will set our the clock!!!
Watch price possibly take out recent Lower High ( Blue area) then run it up before dumping back down or hanging out up high for Friday's Drop down... Time will the clock!
Watch price at the London Session, look for buy setups from China Lows - NY may be the final break back down officially...Watch price action and the clock !
Wait for the price to start taking out China Lows or working the Low before NY Session then at your right timing jump on the ride up...Watch the clock.
Wait for London Session Lows - then get ready for NY Dump back down... Watch the clock
Wait for London Lows to form then watch the clock for your indicator of entering your trade...
Gold may extend a little more on Monday Lows.. be patient and wait for the return back up...Time is the best indicator.. "The Future is a open Book to Those who can Read"...
Price should consolidate during the gap time, then NY session should dump then pump back up .
Watch London price action... should try and take out China's Low then continue upwards following NY Session for dump n pump....
If price follows the pattern then get ready for London session rise up for NY dump back down..let's eat
Price may play back n forth the hole China (yellow brackets) session until London session which may take off again...
Watch if price reacts off the floor of the trendline...10am should give us a good indication
If price moves upward in between the gap area before the NY session then get ready for our pump and dump around the zones
Tuesday - Range expansion for gold then a drop either NY session or Asia session Wednesday..Watch carefully!!
15min Chart Zones so be careful and zero-in once touchdown(could continue to eat more...jump on its back then). Basic structure with 4 MA's( Choose your own at Will). Blue zones = BUY?? RED = SELL??( WATCH!!!!) Follow Price and Structure Plus Timing = Money/Winner... Set Alerts for Zones
Get ready... Same basics as all my others. Blue Area Buying zone...Wait for it. Purple Line and White line is Structure, see your patterns there.
Basic Buy Zones and Sell Zone with Basic structure. Wait for session then zero in on your play. Order of sessions in color are China, London , NY. Green Lines are prices box areas . Break out or pump fake. Wait!!!
Red zones/Sell, Blues zones Buy....Basic structure along with 4 MA's, Green lines are session hi/lows...Session order is color in this order China London Ny,( WAIT FOR SESSION)" Future is a open book to those who can read".