In the movie "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," there is a scene where Bilbo and his companions are climbing a mountain amid a massive storm, as they journey proceeds. However, it doesn't take long for to them realize, that this wasn't an ordinary storm, stone giants were fighting there. With stones being thrown, over and there, the Hobbit and his fellows,...
Hi, today we are going to talk about EUR/GBP and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 2h (120m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive...
Hi, today we are going to talk about EUR/GBP and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 2h (120m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive...
Hi, today we are going to talk about XRP We observe a Daily chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength). The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link bellow! Disclaimer: All content of Golden Dragon has...
Hi, today we are going to talk about GOLD and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 1h (60m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about IWM and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 15m chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about DXY and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 15m chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about CHF/JPY and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 1h (60m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about USD/CHF and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 1h (60m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about USD/JPY and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 2h (120m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive...
Hi, today we are going to talk about EURUSD and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a (30m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about SPY and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a (15m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Silence. That's it's what can be heard on the Cryptocurrency market in the last few days. The silence of the shock of the price tumble in the last few days The silence of unmet expectations, that Binance America would solve the problem over the U.S users restriction, that with the Bakkt regulatory green light, would facilitate the approval of the ETFs. The...
Hi, today we are going to talk about USOIL and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 1h(60m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about Bitcoin and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 60M chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
i, today we are going to talk about GOLD and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 1h(60m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about AUDUSD and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 2h(120m) chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...
Hi, today we are going to talk about GBPUSD and in a Day Trade opportunity. We observe a 2D chart, some important points such as supports and resistances (and levels of strength) to the Day Trade. The details are highlighted above. Thank you for reading and leave your comments if you like. Join the Traders Heaven today, for more exclusive contents! Link...