Dr. Barer (Chairman of the Board) has purchased 45,000 shares in the past few weeks, including 20,000 yesterday, amounting to about $300,000 worth of stock. This was not an option exercise, but just an open market purchase, possibly signaling that the stock price might be undervalued at the moment. Look for longs and possible exit at $8. As always, it is very...
Reid William Sanders - Director - bought 1300 shares on 11/13/13 Robert DelPriore - Evp, General Counsel - bought 1000 shares on 11/29/13 (Both open market buys - not option exercising) This is the first insider buying activity since 2009. Price is at 52 week lows. Perhaps this insider buying is signaling that the stock is undervalued at the moment. Look for longs
3 different people within the company bought shares at around $3.70 on 11/27 and 11/29. Although the stock has already rallied, I think there is some more left in it. www.insidermonkey.com A total of 289,000 shares were purchased by insiders last week, close to a $1 million