Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 129780 Exit point: 124010 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 107.20 Exit point : 107.95 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:1810.20 Exit point : 1800.40 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:0.69970 Exit point : 0.6980 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:1.14390 Exit point : 1.13950 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:0.6557 Exit point : 0.6541 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:134.60 Exit point : 134.35 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:106.99 Exit point : 107.20 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:1813 Exit point 01:1897 GOOOOOD LICK
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:26820 Exit point : 27450 goooood luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:1.2526 Exit point : 1.2480 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point:1.1392 Exit point: 1.1365 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 134.55 Exit point: 132.95 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 1802 Exit point : 1810 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 1.2530 Exit point : 1.2595 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 1.1355 Exit point : 1.1390 good luck
Hello I'm not so sure about this position, but my math calculations gave me that! Access point: 1.2690 Exit point: 1.2520 good luck
Hello Follow-up of mathematical calculations linked to the evolution of prices Access point: 1.1230 Exit point : 1.1370 good luck