One of the largest profits ever in the markets predicting First Solar top and crash as well as its bottom 100% accuracy using artificial intelligence recommended position sizing 11 million shares
So, you did not believe the ECB uses the same algorithm as we do? your problem. You were warned in real-time. We create algorithms. That's our job. 100% accuracy. Zero losses
Cover your short positions and buy! You were warned in real-time. Refer to free forecasts
Twitter is best tech stocks to invest in since Americans have capitulated below $15. The largest investors in Twitter are outside the U.S which is very bullish. Warren Buffett has never bought one share which is also seen as very bullish since Americans invest in drugs, alcohol, hamburgers, and tobacco. That's all they know.
Apple reiterated Strong Buy ahead of earnings
Never list to individuals who do not have a proven reliable track record in stuff they don't know what they are talking about. Buffett excels investing in Hamburgers, Drugs, and Alcohol, not our areas of expertise. Refer to Warren Buffett CNBC 2014 interview saying that BitCoin was a mirage. Congratulations to all those who have been following our complimentary...
OH YES! Watch them sink in losses LOL - Billionaire is laughing giving a great party in Dubai next week attend today!
Buffett is the king os insider trading!
refer to previous free charts
All the idiots capitaulated on Buffett and Dimon comments
All BitCoin scammers telling you to buy at $4300 using scam tactics on tradingview have now been stopped out. All of you scammers are losing money. The world is laughing about you. $BTCUSD plunged to $3900 on the news! How are you feeling scammers? It's terrible to lose money. We' re billionaires playing with scammers like you
Never trust an American scammer and fake billionaire; they upgrade at the tops downgrading at the bottoms. Always use the real billionaires' source of information
SEC is going after you!
Long-term long-term only Americans are scalping stocks. Squeeze them all. Ignorants have been saying for years TTWO is expensive. Keep covering your shorts. You're bankrupt. RAISING TARGETS BUY NOW! LONG-TERM FOLKS READ THE TITLE
real-time information announced. We cannot post links here - see tradingview policy. Check on Twitter. SEC searching for Tesla short sellers Great Investment Strategies Sell RH to buy Tesla
selling to Americans covering their short positions at huge losses
100% accuracy in every single real-time trade alert. There are scammers deceiving BitCoin traders to buy above $4300 with stops below $4000. Well, $BTCUSD plunged to $3970 -You have been stopped out losing money all the time. Move on! You've been scammed and it seems that you love it! Here's PROFIT in every single trade. Everyone is laughing HARD