BTC LONG TERM TARGET 250K WITHIN 2026. Before that we may visit 38k range in 2024 - 2025.
entry : 0.1350$ 1ST TARGET : 0.30$ (120%) 2ND TARGET : 0.48$ (260%)
As we see in the chart BTC is playing exact same pattern since 2014. So i expect this bull run will end within January 03,2022. By this time BTC will hit around 320k. So don't panic for short term bear.
As balanced dao coming on 25th april. This is the start of ICX bull journey. I'm expecting 100% move from here. Thank you.
I'm going long from here. As you see ADA was on consolidation mode & Now it is very near to break the triangle as like previous. So i'm expecting 10$ - 11$ from here (1.23$). Thank you.
this chart is for fun. But im expecting 10x from tokocrypto soon. They just recently joined Binance. Thank you.
Today i will share a great gem with you for long term hold. This is the next Link. Whoever miss the LINK you can buy ARPA. Because its still early & MPC hype will come like Oracle, Defi, NFT . LONG $ARPA AND MPC TECHNOLOGY!!!! Last week PayPal bought curvmpc for a reason! Today (10th march,2021) AlibabaGroup has partnered with arpaofficial This is a long...
Will see you later. Keep Supporting me. Thank you.
For short term i see btc will go to 26k & this will be your last chance before it go to 320k zone. So prepare yourself. Keep supporting me. You can see my previous analysis. Thank you.
As you see we already start our Bull journey on Oct 2020. So in this cycle BTC will make high on July 2021. I'm predicting 212k within this time. Thank you. Keep supporting me :)
As you know i'm expecting BTC go sideways in the coming month. I hope altcoin will move up by this time. So Ren/Btc have great potential. Keep an eye on it. My Long entry: 0.00001470 Stop Loss : 0.00000850 (- 42%) Target 1 : 0.00006250 (+325%) Target 2 : 0.00007880 (+ 436%) You you are following my signal & idea. Comment below & keep supporting me. Thank you.
As I mentioned in my earlier chart BTC might go 23.4k by 19 dec. This might be neutral now. But my position will be remain open. As I see BTC bull run will start on Feb 1, 2021. As you know Chinese new year & Christmas are coming. So people will cash out their profit. So BTC may go to the sideways in this period. I'm very bullish on Bitcoin Now & upcoming...
I'm going long now at 17350 with stop loss below 15800. My target is 23400 by Dec 19, 2020. After that i hope 30% dump will come to 15200-15800 level. Thank you.