First BTC forecast was false and what the chart will say for my forecast now? I don’t know, should buy or sell, but something say me that the price will stay in the shape of triangle. What do u think? Leave your mind in comments.
First LTC forecast was true, what will say second? I see here good uptrend and resistance level, so such my forecast. Leave your feedback in comments.
Important to understand, that this company after virus feels very bad, so I can’t show good forecast. I see here the shape of flag and maybe the price after this shape will increase📈Good luck. Please leave your feedback in comments.
After shape of flag the price will increase📈 Leave your feedback in comments.
in the short position the price will increase, but in general the price will decrease after the shape of the triangle📉Leave your feedback in the comments.
good position for buy, I think the price will increase to level 0.382📈💰⬆️ Good luck. Leave your feedback in comments.
3.12% in Warren Buffett's portfolio💰wait at 254$ and buy, good luck for all. Leave your feedback in comments
the chart has broken the trend line, so after the support level the price will increase 📈 We expect + 10% in March. Leave your feedback in the comments.
wait for the support level and buy, the RSI indicator shows the same📈Good position at 1.20596, what do you think?
brilliant uptrend(covid-19 helps with it)📈 the price moves to the support level and soon I think it’ll be grow up⬆️ can buy at 90-94$💰leave your feedback in comments
good support level, uptrend 📈 waiting for 220$ in Feb please leave feedback in comments
Pfizer and BioNTech made a vaccine from coronavirus and when it will come out for everyone, the price will grow up. It’s nice position for buy⬆️