the next days should confirm whether the pattern still holds or not
genco is estimated to be worth 9$ according to the famous shippinganalyst joakim hannisdahl. will it reach its full valuation before the middle of the month of may???
genco since the oil deal has been going up. probably because the cn50 has too. it seems to be very correlated to the chinese stock market and the cn50. same movements more or less even though they are not traded on the same continent. fascinating.
over the last moth, it seems that genco opens according to the cn5's change of price between 4:00 pm when market close and 9:30 am when they open. If cn50 at 9:30 am is higher than at 4:00 pm the earlier day, genco opens up. If it is lower, genco down... usually, although sometimes it is not the case
seems to follow the trendline before sudden spikes, although each spike seems less pronounced than the earlier one
weirdly enough i played with it and it seems better correlated with the gold/euro than the gold/usd (may 2017 to april 2018 it keeps on going up when barrick gold and gold/euro go down)
three most important us refineries (marathon/valero/phillips66) vs wti/brent interesting correlation since 2015 and fall in oil price due to last oil war (2014, opec vs shale) the 3 companies refine half the daily barrels of the top 11 refineries in us own more refineries than the next 8 companies of the top 11 according to date from january last year, dont...
genco shipping vs shanghai composite, shanghai 300 and ftse china 50
cad/usd vs wti/brent vs cenovus energy (alberta tar sand company) note that it's cad/usd, not usd/cad
seems invertly correlated (just the last month)
correlation of small canadian oil companies vs wti/brent prices over the past 4-5 years
these 4 tanker companies were strongly correlated during the past year