in the next few days we will see an incredible explosion in the amazonian markets, there is a 90-93% probability of reaching 2689.71, so I really advise people to buy the stocks now with 2/5 in their portfolios. I am an expert mathematician in algo trading.
It's a perfect time to buy this stock to reachthe 37.60 price with probability of 96%, everytime the maths rules this game
Now it's time to buy and follow the algos trading for the next 2 hours to reach 290 price, and if we break the main resistance of 290 gold number we will have a probability of 96% and esperance of 3 to reach the 300 price.
I think there's a probability of 95% to reach 182.00 after some hours, because we have a trending up market and we break the VWAP with a good transactions of hedgefunds and big institutions. Have a good day, Kingman