The graph shows the progress of the Great Britain Pound (Sterling) against the US Dollar over the past 5 years. It has been trending up and down within bands marked by Trend Lines A and B. The Horizontal red line shows the position it held before the Scottish referendum on independence drove the price down. This slump, however, was just the continuation of an...
The Downswing aborted half-way and the strong upward trend of the markets continues. The Fed confirms that interest rates will not be raised at any time in the near future, so money continues to pour into shares. The tendency of the graph to level off at the top, as if the top of the parabola had been reached, has also aborted, signalling that the uptrend has no...
My previous predictions proved wrong. The Downswing has been aborted. But will it resume?
A longer-term view than I have recently shown (3-year) shows that the pressent downswing will continue to around 1936, no doubt with plenty of ripples along the way.
Since June, the US Dollar has been rising strongly against the Polish Zloty. This trend now collides with the Resistance Line. Will it bounce off the Resistance Line, as a graph normally does? At presentl, the threat of Russian agression in the Ukraine, which causes annoyance for Poland, has not subsided, so anxiety remains. There is a possibility that the graph...
In July, the Great British Pound started a downtrend against the US Dollar. This may have been sparked by fears of the outcome of the Scottish referendum on Independence, which takes place next Thursday. A tentative rebound was felt this week. Scottish Independence would not neessarily mean any great financial re-organisation. Both Scotland and England would...
Looking back over the Euro's history, we can define a "Normal Range" within which it performed for most of its life, as well as a "Below-normal" and an "Above-normal" range. The present trend lines are converging, which means that the graph must, within the next few months, break through either the Support Line or the Resistance Line. If we accept as most probable...
I present a simple view of the EUR/USD over its whole life. Whichever Support LIne we chose, the picture is similar. The trend lines are converging. The Support Line has been reached. An upswing is likely now. A Break-out is inevitable before year-end.
Just for fun (or out of frustration) I joined up all the Dotted Lines. This produced a pretty picture until I added the Bollinger Bands, which broke the pretty diamond shape. The net outcome is that, while the present strong downslope was predictable, where it will end is not so clear. From the chart, it would appear that the end will be soon, possibly around...
As the graph swings downward, ripples on the wave keep lashing against the upward bound of the downward range. The downswing continues, but no down-plunge has yet been experienced.
Having spiked yesterday on the occasion of its special event, and fallen back to pre-spike levels, Apple should now climb back up to $103 - unless the general flight of cash from the markets today impacts here.
As in my previous post, I show the Ripple Bounds and the Down-swing trend line. Following the previous downswing pattern, a plunge is now due, today.
On the chart, I draw the established trend lines and the emerging trend lines that I perceive, which I have labelled "New Trend." A downswing is under way, which I predict as following the slope of the last downswing, complete with Ripples and, no doubt, plunges. Should this downswing, as I expect, break through the Established Trend's Support Line, this does not...
"Apple debuted Apple Watch at an event near its headquarters in Cupertino, along with Apple Pay, which is designed to make iPhones into a digital wallet. The company also showed the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which come in screen sizes of 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches" (Yahoo this evening). The event caused the share to spike from $98.31 at start of the day to...
Pausing now at short-term Resistance Line D, the graph seems ready to continue its downswing along Line F. A plunge in value, following the pattern of the previous downswing may be imminent.
The Downswing, I believe, will happen soon. Perhaps a downtrend will commence, but that depends on the market feeling that interest rates are about to rise. Resistance Line B lost its strong upslope on 3 Jul 2014 and is replaced by Resistance Line C, indicating that the top of the parabola has been reached or is soon to be reached. Attempts to swing down were met...
S&P dropped predictably to1996 today and then swung back up to 2003. My projected downswing Line C now moves another step to the east. I expect a mini peak at 2005, when it will bounce off Resistance Line B and move back towards 1996 again. At some such downswing I expect it to break through Support Line A and give is a real downswing.
S&P500 dips, but is it a ripple that will take us as far as Line A, or a downswing to take us as far as Line B, or maybe the beginning of a downtrend, to crash through Line B and continue downwards? I take a bet on it going as far as Line A, whereupon to have a second look.