Need one more jump down to pack jet packs for 2400 lol, Lets follow if news does or not, Its all news which is doing all this tricky things!
SOLANA have such power i told you, 240 to be seen very very very soon! But understand your stances how can you pplay, bearish flag would pull down but not likely the full can be given up to 173 to top!
TRUMP TRUMP! He is ruling the market and is the liqudity! How you know to know to do what?? I know his mind so i am telling you, plan from the red box for any liquidity sweep buying and stances are top, as previous mentioned did go 20 but have huge potentials!
SMOL SCALPS work like an erratic kid, Lets see if it follows my arrows!!! eventually would touch 96k, so im long and providing short to catch the lows
ADA has already moved like TRX but without news it would slowly die, like slowly slowly, but yes aim for green!
BTC looks good to short scalp till nPoC mentioned!!! watch for it
HELLO there I AM From DOGE and I am friends with ELONMUSK! I know whats next huehuhehuehuehuheue
Who you? NOT me, ITs NOT who Knocked at your door saying he going 0.003295
As mentioned on my prev charts given below!! LOOK and wait for the $19!!!!
Hello Im from the Future. This is what could happen to BTC!
As OB suggests there's orders stacked at 78.2k. Once BTC reaches 80.2k (CMP 81,000) buyers need to defend thier order stacks till 78.2k. Which means you would see a either 2days 5K move or a single 10.1k btc MOVE in a day to 🆙🆙only if it defends the range mentioned.. Green Box is the final or what we say a MAJOR stack of Defence! and all side blacklines marked are...
WHAT a RUG! Its not less than a rug! But play like the whales! Added 4hour chart where Ive marked a bottom green box where you can actually do buy it, till two stops, red and oranges!!
Well 80k looks good but now if it dances through, it goes like ballerina to fall and direct fall is the purple ones!
I wonder what made TIA BOOOM, But not here, OPT for small scalps throughout and follow for the nPoC
Look, I think I was the one who was so bearish on trump and I am happy my bearish stances happened! For new buyers its something they wont Miss, My prev chart, Ive drawn a big candle which shows local OB's acting on presence of Strong DOM. What Can we do here? I would say I am heavy longs here and would wait for a small retrace back and sell my bags at $20, This...
BTC UPDATE - This is the 15 Mins one! The Top has both FVG and OB, It needs to break to continue trend, or we can plan shorts from here. They see me roolin they hatin!!!
And this comes the extended version of the TRUMP, BLACKLINE is where you can do something i wont say, Lets follow the lines!!
Microscalps are risky, 93.8k reached as i mentioned and 93.2 is left, if volume supports, the following is listed. Its on 15m TF so beware!