Real Rates = Inflation - Bond Yields...another Game of Chicken! Good Luck...
Confirmation Bias or Not? Lets see if the trend prevails out of the current "BondFearShakeout" .... Who will win the Game of Chicken? Just remember Market Transactions = Sellers & Buyers ...daily/weekly/monthly, the "Winners" change out! Adapt or Die! Short Term: FearShakeout & UP Med Term: MAR OPEX...we will see what the VolatilityBro's leave us? ...
CTA's, Volatility Complex, Gamma Walls...Head Shots Only! Good Luck!
BLUF : Tap or No Tap...Higher before Lower! Watch BTC, if/when it trips so will the markets. Flows, Flows, Flows.... The Narrative Machine is focused on QE, MMT, Biden/Trump...Flows are all that matters now, Insurance is getting more expensive and Risk continues to be rolled to infinitum...have a Plan,,,I'll sit with my cash and wait! Question : If...
“Make sure the game your playing is the game your playing.” Take “Sure” out of your vocabulary! ... Mike Green, Logica (READ/LISTEN to all this guy puts out!!!) Word Salad : Gap Psychology / Inflection Points / Inflation Fookin Deflation / Embedded Optionality / BITCOIN / Matched-Book / Dealer of Last Resort / Liquidity or Collateral / Debt Cycles / Don’t...
BLUF : No Short Term here...just Long Term/Environment/Sectors & Pivots.. Stand bye...Fookin Bust it! *Use Pull-Backs as Buy Entries* NOTES: -Please keep in mind, as you review technicals and market breadth, that such analysis is extremely fluid and prone to week-over-week volatility. One week breadth and technicals deteriorate and...
BLUF : This market has No comparisons, dynamics are in the stratosphere...this is 100% driven by the FED & Covid-19 Global Natural cannot/should not deny the eventual effects of this much "Fed liquidity" and "FrontRunning the Signature Management" of the underlying nature/expectations of Market-Makers! I think the odds are Higher for a pullback......
BLUF: SPX 2200-2700 (Bearish ) Yep…that’s wide risk-range…get used to it! It’s an Unpredictable-Volatile Market with a HIGH ROC(s) …. Don’t fight the Trend ! M&A??? Nothing but the Facts, Please …keep your BS beliefs to yourself and twitter! -Notably, in the 6 months and 12 months following the prior four quarterly drops of 20%+ since 1945, the S&P 500...
Down she goes ... FIND-FX-FINISH !
Tops/Bottoms/Recessions...Go Somewhere else for that Fookin BS! Long-Term Only ...No Speculation here... Hospitality & Mid-Stream Energy. ..Back Up the Trucks...Average In. Remember... Plan = Process + Manage Trade(s) . Find-Fix-Finish! Cheers!
BLUF : All tools/models are useless in the market....anyone who says they have traded this market is full of BS! A decoupled sustained high volatility level, market uncertainty and Government Leaders who will overreact and make bad/worse decisions cause their scared shitless also! Yes, charts are good to visualize the environment...we can expect Bounce(s) & Lower...
BLUF : No lessons here, No Tops, No Bottoms, No Recessions...hunkered down on a mountain top in Northeastern Afghanstan...I am who I am through loss and struggle! Blood, sweat & tears...we get there one step at a time, always going forward...Cheers! Find-Fix-Finish!
BLUF : Of course we get a bounce... But what sustains? The FED/REPO's/YIELDS/Tax Reciepts/FiscalPlan?/FookinKungFluVirus/FookinGammaBro's Covering&Rolling.... Fookin WTF...PLAN/PROCESS/EXECUTE...FIND-FIX-FINISH! " Prices are not an indication of where the market IS, they are an indication of where the market WAS No matter how often I repeat it, it’s hard for...
BLUF : No Tops/Bottoms/Recessionista's here...could FookinCareLess...What is in "Front" of us? Cash = Opportunities that you only get a couple of times in a "Career/Life." No squiggly lines, No Higher Highs or Lower Lows... Just Opportunity ... STOP ... PAUSE ... REFLECT. .. EXECUTE : What environment are we in? What are the sector rotations? Where is the money...
Cash is king, pay off your mortgage, and work from a position of strength. Find-Fix-Finish!
Cash is from a position of strength. HEAD SHOTs ONLY High value added firms (chipmakers) are more at risk of negative payments shocks than low value added firms (assemblers). That’s because the assembler gets the big payment, but keeps only a small portion to pay manual laborers and passes the rest of it on to the chipmakers as a payment for...
No FookinFaqawiRecessionTrib e around here...I'll leave that to other BullShitter's ( Hey Look at Me )...But this is a "Broadening Correction" w/more arrows pointing Down than Up...Three Probabilities (PR)... Let's Watch the ShitShow! Raise Cash ... Finger inside the triggerwell w/your Plan .... Process & Managing Trade(s)....Find-Fix-Finish!
Note : STOP wasting your time reading about what markets just did and start seeing what is in front of us…measure and map markets on a multi-duration basis through the lens of not the average price but the “Volatility” of price and the ROC of volume of price… outworking the competition means absolutely nothing unless you are working smarter . ...