Looks like we might hit the .236 Fib line from its all time high retracement
Daily charts and the Fibs are showing XRP as Cash Cow!
This has been on a healthy uptrend but for some reason I think it might keep moving like how KNC did last month. Any thoughts?
Going to close out small long with the fib entrancement tool. Do not use my charts for any advise as this is purely for me to learn
Didnt quite make the first W hoping this will take us back up to the next purple line
BTC hoping it will follow this W
With the Help of Keith from PS I've improved my charting skills ; )
Are we looking at a possible dumb back to the .618 fib?
Whats going to happen boys!? This is actually just for my friend since I do not trade stocks. However use it for an indicator as to which channel GNUS is with with the FIB tool... Very basic indicator. Not going to give any price prediction this is just to see current trends @GNUS @clozano889 #GNUS #geniusbrandsinternational
Hi All, I am not an experienced trader. Just trying to learn the patterns and make some good trades. I recently took my profits from DGB and moved into Solve BTC. Seems like there might be a break out. Can someone confirm if what I am posting here is a formation of a golden cross? Any support is much appreciated! Thanks and happy trading!
Lets see if it breaks out. Hoping we get to 3 cents soon