Bulls and bears will duke it out this month. If this is correct March could be bloody
Seems ready to explode higher at some point in December into 1Q23
It has not been a bad year for the old Dow..old people are wise and have no tech :).
Secular shift is still early. Likely higher low/RS in summer
So far it has followed the 2009/2011 recovery fractal very well
Santa Claus may come a bit earlier this year but really squeeze feeling is there
The rumours of the dollar demise are likely to be greatly exaggerated
Garden Variety decline for Apple, just to 200 wma. It will pull back hust to 2020 which seems not enough but we take it as it goes
Red Bull Scenario....Meaning Bulls in Red into the summer
Should be consistent with King Dollar move as pressure likely rising post May
King Dollar is weak as expected foreshadowing a larger decline in 2024. But for now, a new rise into 1Q23 i see
This whole pattern since late Jan looks like triangle consolidation and appears to be in Wave E before. If correct, Vix blow off coming
This could be the max pan scenario to frustrate bulls and bears into mid year then down goes Frasier
We are at another critical juncture which could fool many, many people
Likely more relative strength vs EUR into summer 2023. It has been really volatile this since Brexit
The most persistent cycle that i know of is in the USD. King Dollar likes predictability
Early cyclicals sniffing stabilisation and/or shallow recession