The whales will not let institution push any farther and allow the H&S to complete. moon NOW
This cup and handle looks like a pan because it is sitting on the key support line $2.40, The strongest type of cup and handle. The handle is longer than normal witch would normally indicate low buying pressure however it was a 3 day weekend, Vol was low and manipulation was spotted. I think if the neckline is broken it starts its trip to the moon FINALLY.
I think its going to bounce its way to 3.20 short term
This chart highlights flags and fib retrace. The current trading cone fib retrace is huge and points to possible breakout near $7 if very bullish line gets crossed.
The whales have done a really great job so far scaring normal people out of the market while they buy it up at the bottom. There have been quick obvious whale sells, and tricky slow sells. But in the end through CBS and MSNBC doing hit pieces, editing and censoring Garlinghouse, Jerome at the federal reserve announcing a cut in rate cuts. It is still trading...
I painted the first fib retrace and subtracted about 1% from the 2.618 line and it was 4.444 I subtracted another 1% to start the next fib retrace, then another 1% of of that 2.618. this is how I normally calculate when to pull out and it blew me away that the final number came to the legendary $5.89 number.