Looking at past weeks' trends, it will likely do. Reasons being: 1) Buyers have been controlling the direction for the last four weeks 2) Good Results with the good decision to sell an aged-care business 3) Year-end enthusiasm relating to this Johor corporation-owned business 4) Increase in the need for hospital beds and its green-field and brown-field...
1. Tenkansen above Kijunsen (Crossing happened on 4/2) 2. Price above both spanlines and leaving to hover above cloud 3. Chikou Span out of cloud as expected 4. Buyers in control the past three sessions 5. The above reflect buyer confidence which is also boosted by a positive quarter results. Looking at all the signs, Censof can be seen as starting to trend up.
1. Buyers in Control 2. Tenkansen above Kijunsen 3. Chikou span flat, but after today will be outside and above price range if prices maintain above 0.325 4. Prices will enter the cloud over next few days and if mainted at 0.335, uptrend may follow.
1. Tenkansen above Kijunsen 2. Price above both Tenkansen and Kijunsen 3. Systech completed Fibo levels of 61.8% @ 0.30, now it may retrace back to the 100% mark of 0.375 achieved in June 2021 4. Buyers still in control. 5. Volume building up with forward Kumo bullish. 6. Chiko span heading away from price line
1. Price above Tenkansen and Kijunsen. 2. Tenkansen is above Kijunsen. 3. Both Tenkan and Kijun has left the Kumo cloud. 4. Chikou span is moving towards the top of Kumo and once it breaks free from Span B, it will confirm a bullish run.
1. Tenkan above Kijunsen 2. Chikou Span breaking free of price zone 3. Price moving above Tenkan and Kijunsen 4. Buyers' market the past three days. 5. Price has now entered Bearish Kumo Cloud, going up. Outlook: If the buyer sentiment continues into next week, and Teladan clears 0.65, it should have confirmed a bullish trend.
1. Span A over Span B indicating uptrend 2. Tenkansen above Kijunsen 3. Price above Tenkansen and Kijunsen 4. Price has retraced back to its 100% Fibo level of 2.23 5. Prices above the cloud for four trading days already 6. Buyers in Control. Possible for Matrix Concepts to breach the 2.32 level (1.618 Fibo level)