We officially have a bull flag $SPY $TVIX
Check out $KBLM - extend deadline in early July and trying to close their deal with CannBioRx (auto-immune disease, anti-inflamitory, arthritis, IBS, etc), and they're supported by some big name researchers at Stanford and Oxford.
Salt n Pepper predictions, two more fake outs then Hulk Smash
$ASPS over 1600 pre foreclosures alone in Las Vegas already, dont trust your realtor, possibly the worst time in history to buy a house, ride the foreclosure wave and invest in $ASPS. Nice consolidation and bear wedge, things baby is gonna be at the moon! Flush your mortgage stocks down the toilet $BAC $C $JPM $IMH $FBC $PFSI $PNC $WFC $FNMA $FMCC
$SAMA $KBLM Just got in both these MJ stocks gonna be 10x baggers, ( i got the warrants. ) Both already have companies they are buying that are well established they are going to help bring them public. $CGC $CRON $GWPH $MJ $ACB
$NKLA $NKLAW the warrant is the better buy, you are getting regular shares for half off right now. You do have to wait another 20ish days to redeem them but as long as stock trades above 11.50$ strike price + 30$ current price = 41.5$ in the next 5 years you will be golden Pony Boy! $TSLA go Hydrogen or go home!
Gonna Pre Order That Truck Now? $tsla $f Im in at 85$
another bull wedge, just bought more, one of my favorite plays right now that actually makes since
Go Go Food Stocks $UNFI $CVGW