Too many reasons to list, short @ $1.95
Selling the recent high of $87.07 SOLD -1 VERTICAL WMT 100 (Weeklys) DEC2 14 88/91 CALL @.20
FB - EOW target @ $76 BTO +1 BUTTERFLY FB (Weeklys) DEC1 14 74/76/78 CALL @.70 Looking for a neutral or slightly bullish day or so to capitalize on Theta decay with $76 EOW pin A flip to a Call Spread if it turns bearish.
Shorting the Oil Futures with a Put Spread with a 46/54 Risk/Reward.
$AUDJPY chart, looking for a further minor retracement to support @$98.55 then to continue bullish and retest @$101.96
A Weekly look at $AUDJPY chart, looking for a further minor retracement to support @$98.55 then to continue bullish and retest @$101.96