Benchmark trend confirmed, after last weeks horizontal move. Next goal 75cents
I am actually still long on Benchmark, but this tight squeeze and its RSI can potentially go both ways.
Benchmark's retracement confirms its trend.
I believe most of what Benchmark does is in alignment with its values. I follow the CEO on LinkedIn and he seems to understand how public relations are done. The fifth drill may be good news maybe bad but it's news anyway and the area seems ripe for minerals. If Benchmark confirms the 2 million at Cliff Creek we may get to 1.30 euros quickly. I'm optimistic here.
Nice development by Benchmark. I am currently waiting for a confirmation of an accelerated growth.
Benchmark reached 50 cents today. Quite a journey. The current trend is still in effect. Mining and explorers seem to become a real choice for larger institutions!
Low RSI and Benchmark's last publication may help to reach 50 cents in a view days.
Today's deep dive was followed by a steep incline. A low RSI and the support show that this stock isn't finished, yet.
The current trend seems to accelerate and maybe worth a look. First, current economic measures seem to entice larger corporations to recommend investments into Gold to their clients, second even if this stock seems to accelerate 1 Euro is still a strong resistance. However, 1,25 Euros seems to be doable. What do you think?