Hausse + consolidation + distribution + attendre cassure
Consolidation + stop hunt + explosion
You dont need too think like retail trader the big boy in this market is not your friend they want your money this is why you need to see what people dont see exemple: Where everybody put their Stop lost this is where you need too take your position wait for the big candle stop hunt. This is a manipulation GAME not a financial
You need to stay focus on what you see not what you think -TP 1 Je vais close 30% de ma position et je vais mettre mon stop lost break even. Exemple j'ai 1 lots 0.30 0.30 .040 -TP 2 je close un autre 30 % et je mes le stop lost de a mon premier tp initial -Tp 3 c'est le full Tp alors trade terminer
You dont need too think like retail trader the big boy in this market is not your friend they want your money this is why you need to see what people dont see exemple: Where everybody put their Stop lost this is where you need too take your position wait for the big candle stop hunt. This is a manipulation GAME not a financial
You dont need too think like retail trader the big boy in this market is not your friend they want your money this is why you need to see what people dont see exemple: Where everybody put their Stop lost this is where you need too take your position wait for the big candle stop hunt. This is a manipulation GAME not a financial