After the massive correction this night it seems, that the 38,2 Fibo retrace is building a good support. I'll suggest a buy if the Uptrend continues. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
My System is a mechanical trading System, I use two kinds of Indicators, EMAs and Bollinger Bands . If the next candle closes and faster EMA crosses slower EMA to the bottom, i'll place a short position. Bollinger Bands are also giving hints on a trendchange. Wait for the close of the actual 4H candle, that verifies the signal. This is only the opinion if the...
My System is a mechanical trading System, I use two kinds of Indicators, EMAs and Bollinger Bands . If the next candle closes and faster EMA crosses slower EMA to the bottom, i'll place a short position. Bollinger Bands are also giving hints on a trendchange. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
My System is a mechanical trading System, I use two kinds of Indicators, EMAs and Bollinger Bands . If the next candle closes and faster EMA crosses slower EMA to the bottom, i'll place a short position. Bollinger Bands are also giving hints on a trendchange. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
My mechanical Tradingsystem gives me a short Signal for JP225. Trade is active since 22164 with SL 22430. TP will be opposite Signal
My System is a mechanical trading System, I use two kinds of Indicators, EMAs and Bollinger Bands . If the next candle closes and faster EMA crosses slower EMA to the bottom, i'll place a short position. Bollinger Bands are also giving hints on a trendchange. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
My System is a mechanical trading System, I use two kinds of Indicators, EMAs and Bollinger Bands. If the next candle closes and faster EMA crosses slower EMA to the top, i'll place a long position. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
If the falling trendline is broken sustainly, i think Wings will spread the ones and fly. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
Seems that Verge has found his bottom. So i'll buy the brakeout if the falling trendline is broken. Be aware of a bull trap. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
AUDNZD has reached a mojor resistance level. It's also close to the 61.8 fibo retracement of the last big downmove.
I think the uptrend on WTI will go on shortly. As you can see from my chart the big uptrend is intact. Also the horizontal line is a major resistance. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.
Verge has reached a major support as you can see from the chart. It's also the 61,8% Fibo Retracement. If this support will hold, i think Verge will get up high in the Sky. This is only the opinion if the writer and should not be seen as investment advice.