TP wajib 0.43.. sekiranya naek lebih boleh set tp TP2 0.505 TP3 0.645
in the making 3rd wave (impulse) or C wave (corrective) TP1 0.695 Tp2 0.900
layhong Tp 0.645... Elok die rebound dekat 50% fibo
please come down to 0.250@0.265.. lepas tu boom naek atas TP 0.865
Jag has complete corrective wave (2nd wave) and now on 3rd wave.. TP next 0.64
3rd wave in the making Tp1 0.155 Tp2 0.235 TP3 0.365 TP awal - 0.115
Target tp 14.00.. tenaga are making 3rd wave after completing diagonal for so long.
Currently these counter making 3rd wave or C wave of flat.. TP for this will be at 0.425