Eclipseon (The Guardian) - I'm all for the crypto hype, I've made money on the way up but why not catch a dip? this could be a decent day or so scalp. BITSTAMP:BTCUSD Sponsored art by SULFURIONX
This is a follow up call from yesterday. TVC:GOLD
I love it when they drop from a distance. OANDA:NZDCHF
This is a reupload, the original was dinged for "language violation" because of the French name. Too bad it was going viral. TVC:GOLD Black rose piano sponsored theme song When The Love Falls - Yiruma
I would like to feel the cold of your hands again OANDA:USDSGD FXOPEN:GBPSGD
Stellar Diplomacy Bouncing off volume
(•̪●)=/̵//’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿̿ Journey Home BITSTAMP:BTCUSD sniping a quick drop
Started the week strong 4/4 3/6 3/4 3/4 2 win 2 ranging 13/18 72.222%. It's interesting that even if thurs to friday turns out to be 4/4 it'll be 17/22 77.27% so it's a strong mid 70% week because even if it's 3/4 would be the same. thurs-fri trades not incl. *** Last weeks stats Total stats 20/29 = 68.966%
Rode it down, ride it up. I think this has something to do with the elections in just 2 days. I think the sentiment is that Trump will win and if he wins then crypto will boom because he is pro crypto. This could ride up in anticipation! Swing trading is like a ride, just hop on once and wait patiently. I'm already on it hope it continues.
Could be a couple exaggerated bearish engulfing day candles coming up. FOREXCOM:CHFPLN OANDA:CHFJPY OANDA:EURJPY SAXO:CHFDKK
OANDA:USDNOK jpty trend change
Rejecting like Mutombo OANDA:GBPSGD
Off of one of the roughest trading weeks, a picker upper Twilight of the Immortals BITSTAMP:BTCUSD
My favorite trading day, I don't have to cross my fingers and toes for good luck today. Guardians of the Celestial City SAXO:CADSEK SAXO:NZDSEK SAXO:AUDSEK OANDA:JP225YJPY
Interesting week so far trades ranging longer than wanted looking forward to the tally. HK50 esaa == ab over 200 bear SPX500 3strike over 200 bear GBPNOK ab over 200 bear GBPCHF tweez tue bear tl200 USDCHF sd under 200 bear