4 and a half years from April 2020, it has been a euphoric ride for India's Nifty and Sensex. If prices remain more or less unchanged by New Year's Eve, we're about to witness a once in 5 year event on the charts. A "quarterly bearish engulfing" at all time highs. In simpler terms, quarterly prices closing below the lowest price of previous quarter. What has...
The insight: Here's an analysis of 9 years of data of Nifty50, showing that Nifty50 gave a weekly gain >3.5% 19 times (i.e in 19 individual weeks). This is roughly 2 times a year, or 4% of times. Ideas to apply the insight: Credit spread, Iron Condor, etcetera etcetera. It helps to know what is the "maximum likely movement" that Nifty50 will give on a weekly...