Amazon's last six earnings moves: 🟢 +7.5% 🔴 -12.7% 🟢 +3.4% 🟢 +8.2% 🟢 +8.7% 🟢 +11.4% Options market expecting a 6.6% swing for NASDAQ:AMZN Cloud drives 70% of profits Retail? Barely profitable. Amazon's market cap: $2.5T For that price, you could own: The entire Bitcoin market 5 times over Every billionaire in the world’s top 500 list
Vertical halt at +150% on NASDAQ:LTRY heavy mover, it's trading 62 million shares and it's only been 1 hour 🔥
BANGER $5 to $8+ on steadiest uptrend of 2025 so far! 📈 Buy & Hold 💬 Told you about it in chat while it was still in $6's Doesn't get any easier than this, just waiting for the money to pile as it keeps uptrending NYSE:BBAI Everyone that listened got paid, it was the only stock bought and held yesterdy 1/1 for a fat win.
4/4 DAY 🎯🎯🎯🎯 4 Buys 👉 4 Targets hit NASDAQ:VLCN a perfect example of buy before halt up, take profit into the vertical blowout then let it go wherever it wants while moving on to the next stock and repeat it 3 more times before the day ends. Other 3 trades were on NASDAQ:CAPT and NASDAQ:QNTM twice all doubled stocks in a day while others focus on peanuts...
BOOM! 💥 +340% in 2 hours 🚀 $0.44 to $1.94 on strong buying with vertical halts along the way NASDAQ:CAPT 🏎️💨 Buy Alert right before vertical halt with plan to take profit after the halt since that's when these kind of stocks usually create a gap and open up higher for easy money. Locked profit $1.82 could've been more to max it out into $1.90's but played it safe.
We can't be the only ones who actually made money overnight from Friday to Monday in this market? This was the only daytrade held 🎯 NASDAQ:NVDA NASDAQ:TSLA wake up into -5% Woke up into +25% with NASDAQ:CYCN and continued to +55% from $4 to $6.25+
Huge run from $0.18 to $1.34 🔥 in just a few hours NASDAQ:TCTM It was first on my premarket watchlist which I posted everywhere as each morning. At the time it was up just +130% now +644% Massive HALF OF BILLION shares traded volume so far, it hits a billion volume today easily. Buy Alert paid very well!
Forget earnings, if you wanted to gamble today NASDAQ:DGNX was your stock with 250% vertical today Not these 3% movers NASDAQ:META NASDAQ:TSLA NASDAQ:NVDA NASDAQ:MSFT 😅 Small float + FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) + market orders and you get tripled stock. Not many people even heard about it but NASDAQ:DGNX was the wildest move in the entire stock market today.
If you bought NASDAQ:NVDA and you're nervous: First establish why you bought it first place? What was your trade plan at the time of the buy? Where was the planned Take Profit? Where was the planned Stop Loss? Are you still strictly following that plan right now? Did you buy it for short term hold or long term? If you bought it for long term and it's still...
In the meanwhile why not take easy money on perfect morning triangle shape paired with charting setup of previous day and confirmed by lower low and double bottom stabilization. Too many points confirming the same thing to miss out on. Alerted it live in TradingView chatroom, hope you profited on it 👍 $121.50+ break was the trigger for a buy, it continued...
🚨 Could Nvidia be the next Cisco? 🚨 In 2000, Cisco dominated networking with its own chips. But competitors used cheaper, nearly as effective chips, and the stock dropped from $82 to $8 in just 2 years. Is the same fate possible for Nvidia? Cisco invested heavily in its IOS CLI and aggressively defended it. Nvidia did the same with CUDA, taking action against...
Wild moves in the markets today, this stock making the largest one which ended where it started. That tells you profits must be locked, especially when huge percentages are reached 🎯
Early premarket $0.90 to $1.74 after doing $0.46 to $1.45 yesterday
Former runner NASDAQ:NUKK in December it went $1 to $80 definitely keeping an eye on it today as the market opens to see if it can start squeezing again
Forget about market moving 1% on CPI news if you've got a stock like NASDAQ:SGBX moving 100% or 200%, taking a piece of the action at the safe spot in & out then moving on to the next one and repeating until you've got more money than you know what to do with
From $1.13 to $2.78 🚀 early premarket, another doubled stock NASDAQ:NMHI Early bird gets the worm
Started with after hours pop right around market close, held support line all the way into after hours close and continued with another pop right at preamarket open to doubled level.
🚀 4 Buy Alerts sent out along the way up on NASDAQ:PHIO plus other stocks mentions which had solid moves