Probability of BTC price CLOSING between the assigned range of 100k and 20k by the end of December Additionally presented is a possible trajectory automatically plotted by a decent public script on daily timeframe which aligns to my opinion There is still chance BTC bull can win over 100k threshold (6.78%?), but maybe not by the year end. All the scripts used...
Probability of price closing between the assigned range in weekly candle and a possible trajectory automatically by a public decent script on daily timeframe which aligns to my opinion
Some estimated probability on whether BTC will its monthly candles above or below assigned thresholds. Definitely an experimental model by design and should only be taken as an entertaining reference. I am thrilled to see what lays ahead.
Current Market State: Range-Bound Short-term Bias: Bullish Longer-term Bias: Bearish Displayed Levels are for reference only May you be on the right side of trade
Initial Coin Offering/ ICO is generally an unregulated method that innovative startups often adopt to bypass the conventional regulatory requirements. The case for investing into ICO is simplistic: if investors make it right, tremendously explosive gains can be reasonably expected of. However, ones should pay particular attention to its downsize: highly...
Current Market State: Range-Bound I expect extended sideway moves, or a slight drop given the current level of volatility However, the odds seem to favor the bull (all filters have turn bullish & higher uptrend probability in the table) Displayed Levels are for reference only May you be on the right side of trade
1200 remains in target but the current level of volatility is not supportive of a big move. Slight retracements can be expected of as of now