US economy is a shibboleth; its data is faker than Hunter Biden's teeth. Geopolitical trends are showing US 'diplomacy' is basically a Clown Car with a demented octagenarian in the driver's seat; US Death Merchants are seeing their products humiliated on the battlefield; the Fed is preparing to pivot back to irresponsibility; the Global South is de-dollarising;...
Extremely oversold, with a CCI divergence on the daily chart; mandates a bias change to long positions on swing (15 minute) and itnermediate (1-hour) timeframes.
OK, DAX has been hammered this morning - lemmings listening to CNBC and journalistic waffle, and dumping an already-oversold market. DAX will most likely close above 9500 today. {D'OH! Can't edit the headline? What a stupid setup. Anyhow, it should read "SCARING the Stupid": this dump is "Dumb Money At Work"}
Following on from my long rec on MtGoxBTC a few days ago, an illustration as to how numbskulls who are *in* things late, and for the wrong reason, bail out at extreme lows. I call it the "nuffie stampede" or a "lemming suicide mission". Every trader needs to learn this lesson early... selling crescendos - especially when coupled with "knee-jerk" journalistic...
For the moment, Nikkei is like a 5x leveraged bet over USDJPY - for no good reason. USDJPY is falling (i.e., Yen strengthening) despite (1) no interest-arbitrge argument; (2) Japan's trade position DETERIORATING; (3) US and Japanese monetary authorities undertaking broadly similar jawboning, but US Fed actually 'tapering'; (4) capital outflows (foreign net...
Trade logic: in the event that MtGox is kaput, this will go to zero; in the event that MtGox re-establishes operations, it will MtGoxBTC will move sharply towards parity with 'generic' BTC, which implies more than a doubling of this instrument. Thus, if your subjective belief is that MtGox has a greater than 40% chance of surviving, this trade has a strongly...