Sorry guys. Long story short, to 280 by end of August. Google partnership and Checking/ Savings accounts coming.
My fib is monthly from atH to atL. I think it pumps to 260-280 by earnings. Good news on Checking/Savings account additions to Google partnership. I think it breaks my 23% this week if Tech/Naz and s&p pops in June. Long since 200. Call options 210 strike. August expiration. #WSN LETS GOOOOOOO!!!
If it goes to 1500 I'll add 2 more. 50% is a hell of a discount. 80% from the top is 900. I'll add 2 more if it goes there. Crypto is here to stay in my humble opinion. Eth has a purpose. Look to the weekly and monthly trends. Finally as the dollar drops, everything else goes up!!! #WSN my house was purchased on crypto. I'm getting another next year. Who's coming...