NOKJPY long on regression break. I am consider what EA to use on this pair.
NG1! short on regression break - the future roll short is +1.3% per a month I am not taking this trade.
GER40 is now net short on regression break. There is pressure from global stock on this index. I am considering the correct EA to trade on this pair.
Gold vs Silver ratio is now short. This implies that Silver is rising faster than gold on a % basis. I am considering what action to take on this trade.
EURNOK short on the regression break. It is now sitting within consolidation - I will not take this trade.
TESLA is down (-54%) That is a lot of pain for buy and hold investors.
APPLE short on the regression break. I will not take this trade as support is directly below
CAC40 us now net short on the regressoin break. Markets are under pressure and I am considering my option on global markets. I will not take this trade.
UK100 short on the regression break. Global markets are under pressure. I am considering this trade and the EA to use.
LMT is now net long on the regression break. Positioning into the Military stock is very interesting considering the head-line new on the current conflicts. I am not taking this trade.
CAC40 is now net long on the regression break. I will not take this trade
GBPNOK is now net short on the regression break. It is trading a in tight range and may move down to the lower consolidation area. I am not taking this trade.
EURCHF Long on Regression Break - It has moved a long way through resistance without a stop. I will not take this trade
USDPLN is now net short on the regression break This pair near the bottom of the consolidation. I will not take this trade.
USDNOK is now net short on the regression break. I am considering this trade.
USD10Y Vs US02Y is now net long on the regression break. I am not taking this trade, as it just of interest in market sentiment
GBPHUF is now net short of the regression break It has bounced of resistance and could move to the bottom of the consolidation. It has favourable roll short as -well.
DOGEUSD is not net short on the regression breaK i AM NOT TAKING THIS TRADE.