In at 6.79 ——> Target 8.10 for 19.29% If it pulls back more, double position at 5.48 Follow me if you want, but I am not your financial advisor...
BOOOOM Target hit 18.46% in 20 minutes on this intraday momentum trade... I'm out... see you next week. Happy weekend.
Let's pump this up to 4.30 🤣and then we can have a nice weekend We can hope, right. I accidentally took a double position here with my crazy fast fingers so let's do this. haha
#KOLD Average 34.88-----> target 40.96 for 17.43%
SOLD today at 9.23 for 18.33% Will look for entry again near lower BB
$WKHS Trade Plan... In at 23.41 ----> Target 28.40 for 21.32% Definitely took a hit on this one, but I can see the target being hit... or I might have to average down a little but I'll update when I do. GL
$IDEX Trade Plan. Average 3.85-----> Target 4.81 for 24.94% Or I will be add at 2.89
SNDL In at 1.86----> Target 2.79 for 50%
Can we do it??
Double position at 4.67 If this doesn't hit in two days 4hr chart plan will be initiated.
SUNW Trade plan 16.88 -----> 22 for 30.33% Double position at 11.76 if it goes the other way
Alright, I've been holding this one for a minute... but the plan holds... My average is 34.88... and my target is 40.96 for 17.43%
In at 7.21 ------> Target 12.00 for 66% LET'S GO!!! I will update this plan as it evolves
Purchased SFIX today at the 4hour BB at 37.70... Looking for 41.49 for 10% profit Double position at 33.91.
That's quite a dip, y'all. Opened a position at 6.66 just now. Target to sell 8.61, and if it keeps selling off double position at 4.71... GL to all.
Well, my average down was hit at 40.04 so the new average is 44.24. New Sell Target: 52.65 (Add at 35.83 if it keeps selling off).
I took a new position today in NIO... In at 48.45... looking for 17.36% (Sell at 56.86). If it continues to sell off I will double my position at 40.04. Which will it be, Sell, or average down? 😜 Place your bets....