Yamana $AUY, lagging sector after sale of mine, but healthy balance sheet now, yields the same as the 10yr treasury, 1million oz yr production, huge resources base, & should go to 6 per share just to catch up with the current top tier producers % at current 1450 gold price. Above 6 pps, for every $100 oz above 1450 should = 1-2 price added per share.
Gold Spec play. $VGZ Vista Gold. One of the very few quality junior gold investments that has a realistic shot of near term buyout or new mega mine build at any price above $1200 GLD. Brownfield, permits in place, would be third largest gold mine in Australia, 750 AISC, 10million oz resource, 400-500k yr production, less than 1 billion build cost, and can be in...