9 5 23 Oil is a great example of how markets can be easy to trade at times and difficult to trade at other times. My gut level feeling is it oil has taken out a lot of sellers and and then your natural inclination is to think that it should correct lower. What goes up a lot must come down at least a little. But sometimes what goes up a lot Doesn't correct so...
9.4.23 There needs to be A caution here. I was answering the question on the previous oil video how to deal with an opening price when the market opened. There are clues that the market may go lower especially when the market comes to a measured move where you would expect the reversal and for the market to go lower. The problem with the first assessment Is that...
9.4.23 This is a review of oil. I was asked if I would short this market at the current price which is a two bar reversal.... and I think the price action is so bullish I would wait for a trade and I wouldn't short right now.... but it is a two bar reversal the short... but not for me. There's so much going on in this market that I used my time to talk about...
9.4.23 I know that my use of the word gaps Is a typical And that I am looking for something that's complicated than a simple one bar gap. I know that it has to do with my way of looking at the market to define Buyers and sellers. Buyers are at the bottom trying to push the market higher and sellers are at the top trying to push the market lower... and I am...
9.1.23This video Is a recap of what went on with Bitcoin.... and it gives me a chance to show you where trade decisions could have been made if I'm watching the market... and some other Points of you that I think are important.
8.31.23 Gold looks like it's going to trade a little bit lower so I framed it as a possible short trade. I'm looking for it to move to a support area... if I actually place this trade I would have a bracket order Using that Target. Why would I do that? When markets move down to a support the other side of me is looking for a long trade and for the market to make a...
8.31.23 This video is about Bitcoin which came back down to where it had started A couple days ago. Some people may feel this is bearish because of the precipitous drop lower, but I would be inclined to think of this as a support area with a two-bar reversal suggesting that Is going higher With a small stop.
8.31.23 The reason why I'm doing another video on bitcoin Is not to show you that it's going higher or lower in the bigger sense of things.... it's because it's showing you transition from a very Contracted market to one that's starting to expand a little bit, But not as much as you think. If you're not careful you can make judgments that are not technically...
8.30.23 This video Is about gold. I bought gold yesterday... and I bought it where I would normally exit the market if I were a buyer at a lower price. I broke my rules... and to be honest I really don't like doing that... because my rules protect me and they keep me out of trouble and they help preserve my reward on a trade that I have taken. We looked at what...
8.30.23 This videos on bitcoin. I know I'm spending a lot of time on bitcoin and this is because of the way it's changing and how that affects our analysis and prognosis for this market. since it's a difficult market to trade this is the perfect market to follow since it is doing things that suggest that it might be Expanding. My mission is to be as accurate as I...
8.29.23 I needed another video to clarify some of the things I said on bitcoin just before this video. The good and bad of this Is that it's good for me to define for other people when I'm looking for but sometimes it's like pulling teeth to say it effectively and efficiently. As I said in the last video this is my ( Book) . And it's not easy to keep it...
8.29.23 In this video I show you how I would frame Bitcoin. Earlier this week somebody asked if there was a book that I could recommend so they could understand how to read markets. I don't have a book to recommend. I've had a good number of mentors but only a few Helped me in meaningful ways. One Mentor taught me about structure and it was a real eye opener for...
8.27.23 In this video I corrected some issues that were bothering me. Also there is a potential trade here that I neglected to talk about because it just wasn't on my mind. I said this was not what a good bullish market looks like when I started.... but it could have been a decent long trade since it's at the support area of a range box.... and that could have...
8.27.2023 In this video I show how to frame Bitcoin. I'm looking From a technical point of view not a fundamental point of view. I tried to show the sequence that I would look at and make the comparisons that I would look for. I had some problems with this video when I listened to my presentation and this will require some Clarification.
8.26.23 In this video I decided to talk about the ES And a pattern that is easy to miss: Expanding Triangle. To me there are basically three patterns: Trending, Ranging, Expanding triangle. I know it's an arbitrary decision because I also look at markets Expanding and contracting. Even if you don't have the same exact point of view... there are still things that...
8.25.23 In this video I talk about the ES. This is an important video to look at because the Market's showing you the reversals in both directions.... and each reversal could yield A pretty good profit.... but if you buy and hold... you're going to get whipped out of the market with very little profit if any. So this is a good exercise if you want to be a...
8.25.23This video I'm looking at the ES which I think is going to trade lower. it's late at night and that means that it's harder for me to speak Intelligently. There's still maybe a little bit of a battle at the support resistance line.....So there may be time to get into this market later this morning.... and also the market can break through the support line...
8.24.23 Since I ran out of time on the previous video I decided to come back and finish my discussion of the silver market. It's very easy for me to draw range boxes... but I don't think it's very easy to believe what I'm doing.... I would not believe it until I had more familiarity with it. so I decided I would show you the range box and how I might trade it and...