8.24.23 In this video I reviewed some aspects of the ES and I also looked at the oil market. most of my discussion Is about reading the price action and projecting where markets can go before they go there. What you need to be careful about Is that this type of analysis Has you think like a scalper... which is okay because it improves your analytic analysis... but...
8.23.23 I am very sorry about this... I was describing A very important pattern as a bear flag. It is not a bear flag It is a bear trap . I'm going to keep the video and upload it because I want you to see the price action and the little things that I look for that I think can be helpful. Oil is a great market and if you're careful you might leave some money...
8.23.23 this will be part one because I ran out of time. I looked at Tesla and the ES. I Had A disruption and put the video on hold... and then ran out of time before finishing the ES..... so I will do another video and finish the ES because it looks like it was a bear trap and I want to describe what that means to me and why it is important to me. And after...
8.22.23 In this video we looked at the ES which was a much simpler easier trade... I had framed it for a trade but forgot about it.... no big deal.... but we needed to take a look at it. I talked about the cattle market and I talked about the natural gas market.... very different, But they have a good chance of being good markets to follow and I explained some...
8.22.23 This video is not just about An oil trade follow up. It's about pattern recognition and attaching these patterns to make effective trade decisions. I think it's important that look at a clean chart with very little notation.... even if you're very familiar with that market and then go back and apply your tools. There is something that I didn't say in...
8.21.23 In this video we are talking only about Tesla which made a substantial move lower and came to an area where we would expect buyers. Today was the first reasonable reversal suggesting that the market would move higher.... and I placed A 382 Retracement from top to bottom to estimate where the target might be as the market moves higher..
8.21.23 OIL This video is about oil. There was a buy signal Sunday night. I have spent Weeks getting Interactive brokers set up for bracket orders Generated on their chart.... and finally Decided to paper trade It for glitches in the next week. The problem with today's long trade Is that I'm not comfortable that it's going to make new highs.... it's still...
8.9.23 In this video I'm talking about Tesla and how it might move from a structural point of view. I was taught years ago that the price action around certain structure can help you make decisions about how the markets going to trade. One tool that I learned with regard to markets making new highs Is that if the market Moves below the last higher low then it...
8.9.23 In this video I do a follow-up on the ES from earlier this morning because I think Traders can learn from this if they're using the tools that I'm using. I wish I posted more on oil since it's probably the one market I post the most.... but the market Got ahead of me for various reasons that have nothing to do with the market..... but this is a good...
8.9.23 In this video I did some follow-up on the ES and natural gas one other market. If I have time later, I would like to talk a little bit about silver and gold. And I would be looking for a possible buy signal in coffee... but we're not quite there yet. Oil Is bullish... but there wasn't time to discuss it on this video.... but it doesn't mean you should open...
8.8 23 In this video I will show some opening price trades on oil, the ES. and gold. It was possible to have stop & reverse trades as well. This doesn't mean that you take every trade, and you may never want to trade stop and reverse, This is more about reading the chart... and knowing what an opportunity looks like.
8.7.23 In this video I tried to look at support and resistance and evaluate Scalps using two bar reversals were opening price. I ran out of time on the video so I couldn't answer the last question...... There's a theoretical answer and the real answer. The real answer is I would have taken my profits if I'd entered the market on Sunday night... and I would...
8.3.23 It looks like the Dxy is heading a little bit lower.... it would have been better to trade the oil Earlier today when it was a two-bar reversal that went up two points... but there may be some more upside to it. The gold has been pressing higher and probably has a little bit more upside to it. These markets aren't that interesting right now and this isn't...
8.2.23 This video Is about coffee which is found buyers and will probably go higher. This Market is a good exercise in drawing range boxes and that's the main reason why I posted coffee because I wanted Bobby to draw some range boxes from the past. and we mixed in a little bit of Extensions as well. My range boxes won't make any sense unless you go through an...
7.31.23 In this video I wanted to talk about the Tesla which has a chance to move lower since it still has Sellers and it's hanging out at the 382 reversal. If I had to pick a market to short... the ES versus the Russell....I would be looking for a short trade on the Russell which is Trading in a range as opposed to the ES which is trending higher.... not really...
7.31.23 In this video I spent a lot of time on the ES because there's a lot of potential for this market to be profitable because it has enough volatility to it even though it's bullish pattern higher is a grinding pattern and they're much harder to manage and to trade in my opinion. So I took some time to show you how I would frame the market Using range boxes...
7.27.23 In this video I tried to show how Tesla is likely to move lower even though it corrected higher to a 382 level and it also retested a gap lower..... in other words it's likely to go lower even though it has had Corrections higher. Follow it and paper trade It so you become familiar with markets that don't look so good until you know what a good market...
7.21.23 I probably bit off a little more than I could chew but we talked about Tesla the US dollar gold and oil. I wasn't really very clear about how I saw the markets as contracted with gold and with oil... so I will do better on A future video. However, it's not difficult to get tied up in a market when it's been trading well and then after A short. Of time...