5.19.23 This is the first of two videos responding to Questions from the follower. ....What triggers my trade.... Is it a thought out process that leads me to The trade.... or is it a spontaneous decision to take the trade? I took 19 minutes to give the answer. It's a great question... and I think he's asking the question from the perspective of the market.......
5.18.23 This is a review of gold, silver, the dxy.... and strategies that can help you be more profitable and also Reducing your risk Using support and resistance lines Trade location.... and using the concept of expanding markets which offer much better opportunity, but require that you adjust your expectations as you evaluate markets that are expanding or...
5.17.23 This video Takes a look at coffee, Gold...And some top trade decisions.
5.15.23 This video focuses on coffee. It has some great examples of market action that could be misinterpreted...But you're going to do okay if you're careful. Today's opening price gave a great Profitable Long trade.... but if all you were thinking is that the market was that a support area and it's a two bar reversal to go long... that's all you needed to think...
5.14.23 I promised one more video for Sunday. I decided to focus On opening price trades and two bar reversals and why they not only find you Targets, but the setup Provides you with very small stops. We are all entitled choose the way we are going to make Evaluations of the market....But if you listen to this video and you don't get it and you choose to not look...
5.14.23 We followed up on the es and where it was likely to go. After that we looked at the dxy, and then took a cursory look at the silver market before we ran out of time.
5.14.23 Part 1 is about the ES.... and mostly about a market that isn't finding sellers when I'm looking for sellers... but even worse than that, The market has no significant range. You want to avoid these markets because you never have a good risk reward relationship... and this is because there's no significant range between the buyers and the sellers.......
5.8.23 In this video we're taking a look at Oil which is setting up a reversal pattern, Coffee which looks like it's going to start moving lower and Gold which looks like it is going to move to the lower range box.
5.7.23 This is a review of the coffee market which is approaching A potential reversal area because it's coming close to a bearish gap lower. Really what you have to do Is watch the market when it's trading later today on Sunday or Monday when the volume of trade will be significant. I spent A good bit of time on this video to show you where there might be the...
5.5.23 This is the second video today with a follow-up on both markets ....Coffee And gold. As we review the market only minutes after the first video there may even be second chances Based on the current Price location on both coffee and gold,.... just take a look and think about it, try to study the dialogue on these two videos and draw the lines on your own...
5.5.23 We looked at gold that had a breakout higher Earlier in the week but then it corrected, And we were able to speculate that we could draw a range box on the highest bar once the market corrected and went back to where it had gapped higher. If you look at the video you'll see what I mean. The significance is that I estimated what the range Box should be by...
5.4.23 I decided to do a hypothetical exercise on the coffee chart as if we were Taking trade signals the last 4 days Based on gaps and reversal areas.... to give you a perspective of how much money you could possibly make in this market if you Took only two Trades even though you could have had up the four trades in the same. Of time. Personally I don't want to...
5.4.23 In this video I do some cleanup on oil, Then I talk about coffee which is coiling.. not easy to trade, And then we take a quick look at gold which couldn't get to the new high, and it corrected 30 points Creating a pin bar.... we talk about that for a little bit.... along with range boxes.
3.4.23 This video is on oil. I mishandled my tools a little bit here... and I would consider that An error on my part... and that would have affected the outcome. The irony of market behavior that we saw this week Is that a lot of Traders will avoid this market because it looks too dangerous and too risky when in fact these are the best markets to trade as long...
5.2.23 This is a follow-up review of oil and coffee. Sometimes the markets evolve into A state of less certainty... and that's how it happens in the markets at times.... so I am trying to make the best of it. it's very important to distinguish between managing a trade and whether you will take a trade. I would give the oil market some time since it could have...
5.1.23 This video is about coffee which has a very similar pattern to the oil which we just Posted. I would look for a buy signal, But in all honesty there's so many bearish gaps that haven't been filled comma there's A real possibility that the market may actually trade a little bit lower in alignment with the ABCD pattern. So if I take a long trade I'll be...
5.1.23 This video is about A follow-up on oil, And I believe it validates some of the thinking that led to this market to retest the gap for about HKEX:1 ,400 of profit. You don't have to take any trade if there's something about it you don't like. What you want to do Is establish An insight and a connection with how markets move....If the market set up to...
4.30.23 Since it's past 6:00 p.M. On Sunday we were able to look at the opening price of oil. The opening price at the opening was that the market should trade lower.... on a daily bar this is an opening price to short with a small stop. Yet I think it's a little more complicated than that.... and it may take some guess work.... so that's what I want you to hear...