12. 6. 22 Range Boxes ES1! Looking for range boxes I'm setting them up for evaluation. Don't worry about making trades and making money, just get ready to recognize a pattern frame it, and then follow it for a bit.
12. 16. 22$2 retested 382 area, and is now moving lower and we are looking for them push lower to the blue line.... using a small stop. Oil it's a little more complicated as it broke below its opening price which means it is going lower. On the other hand, it may be at a support and we might look for buyers.
12. 5. 22 Follow up review on the ES which could have made $4,000 today, the dxy which hasn't found a reversal yet, and the oil which double arrange box going lower, and just giving a signal that it might trade higher on the open.
12. 5. 22 I was going to make this a homework assignment for Bobby, but because I am a patient, understanding, compassionate individual, I will take pity fun Bobby since he has finals. But just this one time. The dxy made a new low today and may have traded low enough, that rubber band from the top to the bottom may have been broken, and while the market may be...
12. 5. 22 Bobby's homework assignment: Focusing on support find resistance, buyers and sellers. Distinguishing ranging characteristics from presses and trending behavior. Recognizing the importance of a Solid support, and that markets can Auction up and down...giving you Stress but providing more opportunity for other Traders. You want to try to learn how to...
12. 4. 22 OIL This would have been a great opening price trade for Oil on a Sunday night. One thing you want to consider is the difference on how this Market was set up for an opening price trade vs The trade I showed you last week, and how that trade fizzled. Today was a much better setup for an opening price where the market corrected to a support. And then...
12. 4. 22 It looks like gold and silver are going to trade higher, but there's a chance is that they could correct the little lower first, and I believe a lot of this Might be related to how the dollar moves. I think the relationshipOf the two index markets did I talked about today versus the metals markets I talked About today...Has some irony to it because the...
12.4.22 I think the ES and the Russell have bullish swings in a bear market and should trade lower. I would follow these markets daily chart, and wait for more evidence the sellers are stepping into the market.
12. 1. 22 Bobby's homework assignment looking at an oil chart and evaluating the overlap, and the corrections of a press pattern... and then incorporating Fibonacci extensions. It will be worth the time to duplicate this exercise or your own Charts.
12. 1. 22 Part 2 I thought it was important to take one more look at the dxy because there are two support areas that are very close to one another. And that makes a trade decision more difficult.If the market moves significantly lower, it might give you a chance too short if it starts to retest the breakout lower, is that could be a good trade decision. At the...
12. 1. 22 The dollar is it a precarious point because it is as support, but if it breaks lower, it has the potential to go significantly lower and I show that on the chart. Gold and silver have foolish patterns could be at a potential reversal level.
11.30.22 OIL scalp follow-up This is a quick review of the scalp trade from last night which lost money. We evaluated the good and bad so we went back and look at the basics.
11.29.22 OIL Paper Scalp I thought I would try hosting make believe scallops using characteristics of the market as I perceive them with very small stops and sometimes very small Targets. These aren't necessarily going to be the best trades, as much as finding an entry, with a very small Stop, and hopefully, identifying the next direction of the market. ...
11. 29. 22 Stop and reverse trading: Part 1. Because of my eyesight and physical disabilities, it is exceedingly difficult for me to fill in this section. Either I talk or I walk.
Google Range Boxes and Grids. This wraps up the third video, and a general view of my important tools that I use for trading. I am very aware that I added some details that may not make total sense, but every tool will be discussed in greater detail, and there will be 50 examples of each tool over a one-month period, so that most of this will be automatic. I...
Alphabet Ink (Google) Fibonacci Extensions Chart distortions Range boxes Bobby, I will clean up some of the Parts of this video subsequent videos. But use this to make some templates.
Extensions for ABCD patterns; Fibonacci retracements; We looked at Microsoft and Natural Gas
11.25.22 I talked about oil and natural gas. The main discussion was on oil because door stop and reverse patterns that I want my two students to focus. I want them to battle through this, even if this causes physical injury because of a difference of opinion... because I think this will help them. Even if they are not stopped and reversed Traders, The Dynamics...