4.10.24 If I had taken the dollar trade I would have lost money with a small stop... so it was losing trade... but it turned into a two-bar reversal to go long and that would have made up for the loss of money on the first trade and then some. Markets can certainly have a two bar reversal that will entice you to take a trade in one direction but if the market...
4.10.24 In this video I thought I would go through the process of deciding if there was a trade or not on the dxy... I would lean towards this market going lower and I explain why even though I would not take a trade on the dollar because it's too contracted and isn't worth the effort because I'd rather trade more volatile markets such as the metals or oil...
4.9.24 The gold and silver are trading higher with bullish price action for people who follow the metals they know that as the market goes higher the silver actually will make you more money than the gold depending on how you trade and your trade location. The problem with silver is that it is had a hard time trading above the 382 retracement... and there's...
4.9.24 I thought it might be good to talk about Tesla because it is a bearish stock that may be fighting a reversal here for a long buy... most likely a scalp, And I wanted to show the thinking behind that. It could also be a short trade And I wanted to show the thinking behind that with the caveat that we are talking about buyers and sellers on any trade that we...
4.1.24 There's a possible short on oil. Bitcoin maybe ranging although it's near it's all time high and could move higher. The dollar keeps on going higher along with the metals which can happen but things are clearly out of sync.
3.28.24 It is video I show you how I set up the gold chart Any oil chart. I think both markets are going higher even though there would be better entry levels and I show you where they are so that you could have gotten in at a better price with a high probability that the market would go your direction if you take in the trade at an easy to determine trade...
march 24th 2024 in this video I discussed the difference between gold and silver and I did this because of friend of mine who's a trader whose disappointed in the silver market but you see these kinds of differences all the time . silver will have its day but it needs to get above the 50% area and I show you what that looks like using range boxes and...
3.19.24 In this video I wanted to show examples of expansion taking into account differences between one market and another. The details are explained in the video.
3.19.24 This video is a review of tesla, dxy, oil, and silver. It's all about using a handful of tools to help you decide where the markets are going to reverse and whether or not you should be taking profits or entering markets as a buyer or a seller with a high probability that the market will at least trade in your direction for a while... using a small stop. ...
2.29.24 This video is about expansion of markets and finding your trade is a buyer or a seller when the price action is not really in sync with a significant pattern. The disparity between significant patterns and price action can be very stressful. Not just that you may be in a good trade and decide that you want to take profits only to realize that you lost...
2.21.27 I was talking about natural gas as a potential long trade.I missed the opening since I was not watching,But this market should go higher since it is way oversold and if for no other reason the market will go higher to take out some of the sellers that drove the market lower.
2.21.24 There is a free video at Greg Hunter uSA watchdog With martin Armstrong, I would recommend that you listen to it. I ran out of time I'll try to follow up with something useful tomorrow.
2.19.24 In this video I was trying to make a decision with regard to direction for the dxy which affects silver if one goes up the other goes down.... and I was trying to make a decision as to whether or not I would stay in a long position in oil if my trade was profitable already where would I just get out of a long position in oil. since it's close to midnight...
2.15. 24 The term I like to use is Market dynamics. They changed yesterday with a very significant move lower but when it got to the bottom you should want to be a buyer as long as you can find a buying tail.... and the market was giving you evidence that you should have been a buyer at that level if you recognized the signal. A lot of times in profitable...
2.14. 24 I ran out of time so this will be part one. And it occurred to me these sessions are not 12 minutes they're 29 minutes....And I ran out of time. I'm interested in market dynamics... especially in markets that have a volatile trading day when both buyers and sellers can be profitable because of the range of price for that market on that day........
2.13.24 This video is about what it really is like making a trade decision when it's hard to make the decision. My point is that you have to practice deciding when to take a trade and when there's enough evidence to take the trade with a higher probability that the market will take you in the direction you are trading. You should train yourself to do this.... if...
2.12.24 Bitcoin has had a very bullish Wing going higher and I explained that in the video. But I would be looking for some sellers and a correction lower. If you're a buy and hold kind of trader I could understand why you would hold on to your position.
2.12.24 I am looking for a buy signal for a long trade or natural gas. The video goes over this in a lot of detail so we don't need to do that here. The videos more about setting up the chart to prepare for the reversal... before the reversal happens. My gut level feeling is this is going to be a great reversal trade because the markets at a very strong support...