SNT/ETH Daily Technical Analysis Idicators are POSSITIVE Resistance point: 0,00003273 - 3600 Support point: 0,00002880 - 2767
SNT/BTC Daily Technical Analysis Idicators are POSSITIVE Resistance point: 0,00000227 Support point: 0,00000188
SYSBTC Daily Technical Analysis Indicators POZİTİF Resistance point: 0,0000451 Support point: 0,0000338
PIVXBTC Daily Technical Analysis İndicators are POSITIVE Resistance: 0,00001564 - 0,00001690 - 0,00001799 Support: 0,00001458
DJI Weekly Technical Analysis All Indicators NEGATIVE Resistance: 35091,56 - 38542,62 Support: 33271,93 - 32071,41 - 31647,53 Until 30 August we will watch. Technical looking not good.
SPX Weekly Technical Analysis All Indicators NEGATIVE Resistance: 4393,68 Support: 4238,04 - 4164,40 Until 30 August we will watch. Technical looking not good.
NASDAQ Weekly Technical Analysis All Indicators NEGATIVE Resistance: 15002,28 Support: 14073,48 - 13879,77 - 13573,84 Until 30 August we will watch. Technical looking not good.
NDAQ Weekly Technical Analysis All Indicators NEGATIVE Resistance: 181.00 Support: 173,57 - 166,79 - 156,79 Until 30 August we will watch. Technical looking not good.
FUN/ETH Daily Technical Analysis MACD is NEGATIVE but going tobe strong Other indicators are be POSSITIVE Resistance: 0,00000738 - 0,00000789 Support: 0,00000694 - 0,00000506
1 hour Technical Analysis 1-MACD is OK 2-RSI is OK 3-CCI is OK 4-sTOCASTİC is OK in hourly supply 0,00000878 , ...885, ...908, ...930 resistance 0,00000857, ...837, ...831 FUN is goind to be strong on 1 hour technical looking
Daily Technical Analysis On this time some indicators gived BUY Signal. Resistance price: 0,0011949 Support price: 0,0008500 will follow these prices. BQXETH is POSSITIVE on this share time.
All indicators giving possitive. If market news be good, buyings can be much. We will see...
Daily Technical Looking 1- BB bollinger bands starting to shrink. This mean. can go up or donw as soon as. 2- MACD is possible and continue stay strong 3- RSI is possible 4- CCI is possible 5- Stocastic possible if this possiblity not change after days buying can be strong with this beautiful technical stuation
1 hour technical analysys 1- MACD Negative 2- RSI Negative 3- CCI Negative 4- Stocasyic Negative 9 hour stuation is selling. WHO BUY LONG or buy DOGE with this stuation??? very veryy DENGIROUS. Storm is near. Follow
1 hour technical analysis 1- MACD is selling green line cutted red line, losting strong for buy 2- RSI Stil selling negative 3- CCI show Negative, selling 4- Stocastic selling With this stuation selling can go high BUT if 21 days avarage line broke
1-Macd is selling green cutted red line 2-RSI still selling show 3-CCI all sell 4-Stocastic Selling show but green trying cut for give buy. Stuation if cntinue like this. With 1 hour Technical ETCUSDT can go to SELL if you looking Dily technical Price is very High. Where will be explode?
1Hour Technical Anlysis 1- MACD losting Power 2- RSI green cutting red line, giving selling 3- CCI Green cutting blue line, buying losting power 4-Stocastic gived Sell Signal
1 hour technical showing buyings going to be low, losting power and in few hours selles can be high. Some indicators show this