target 1: 240, target 2: 260 approval 737max Started : Vaccine in USA, Europe and Russia Potential fundamental target in 2021-2022 - back to level 350+ usd
waiting for news, wich push up the chart
e-commerce Russian company with big potential. one of the biggest e-commerce company in Russia. after IPO recieved 1billion dollars for developing business. no a lot of technical marks, but 3800rur is the target for 6 monthes of 2021 y
strong company. Potential grow 36-40 in 6-12 months (+35%) main business: MTSS OZON Segezha Group MEDSI Binnofarm AGRO STEP ETALON
strong company with big potential. good profit and perfect EBITDA. Fundamental target - 600rur in 2021year
LONG MTSS, 5G network, Strong company. Target 345 in January , and the up way to 400 in 2021