Nothing too exciting for now, however we do see the shorts creeping up a touch while the longs continue to flatline as is. A continued rise in the shorts with an increasing price might just mean there isn't blind and total faith in the BTC price increases at this point. If both price and shorts GRADUALLY rise, it's just caution with the masses - movement on the...
Now we finally have something to talk about! Take a look at those short contracts (red line) and see how they dropped like crazy. Long contracts (green line) are coasting at about the same level, perhaps a small uptrend. The shorts dropped from 23k to 17k, making this a 25%+ drop. If you look at those shorts on even the 15min or 5min timeframes, that drop is just...
Bitcoin looking a bit boring as far as the long/short ratios go. We are seeing some convergence of the two however. Monday will likely be a bit interesting. No real information gained from the longs/shorts until we see some movement in trendline.
Kraken BTC/USD 1hr - Longs & Shorts (Binance BTC & ETH included)
Kraken BTC/USD 15m - Longs & Shorts (Binance BTC & ETH included)