I think I have been around for... 3 Octobers so far? Probably, and each time I always do a themed post! Since October is my favourite time of the year. October also marks the beginning of the end. The end of a trading year at the end of this new quarter. And in the interest of going all out with different October themes and providing you with information into the...
My thoughts, not advice! Safe trades everyone and leave your questions/comments below!
Just sharing my thoughts on UBER. It popped up on my screener and I am actually planning to try this trade out! Not advice, just opinions. Safe trades everyone and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
A bit of a longer video, but its in response to some questions. The cliff's notes is that I am not personally sure which way SPY goes from here. I know the targets we will see at some point this year (which is covered in the video) but I don't know the immediate direction SPY will choose. A bit of a longer video, covering both the short term and longer ish...
DELL popped up on my radar with a whopping 18603397% increase in insider aqusition, for a cumulative total of 31962283 shares bought by insiders. Outlook from the monthly perspective is bullish, with a target of 131. Pasisng of which leads us to 137. I am longing to 131 as primary target then 137. Not advice of course. Safe trades!
SBUX has been topping for ages. I figured the drama with their interim CEO, union struggles and losing the claim against the labour board would have caused this to break down sooner but 1 day delayed technically. This has broken down finally, after like a month of topping, immediate target is 92.24, falling through that will bring us to 89. This is a monthly...
Hey guys, Per ush, its been a hot second. To be fair, there hasn't been anything to update as we retain the bull market bias and an up bias, no point in saying up every week haha. But now that things seem .. bearish, I think its time pop in and give a brief update. Its not bearish. Projections are incredibly optimistic for next week. The caveat being that Monday...
Switching it up with a written post this week. It has been a very interesting market lately. Bear market volatility with a continued bull market undertone. The volatility has been stemming, likely, from the onslaught of economic data that has whipsawed the rate cut probabilities as fast as it has whipsawed the price action. As of now, we are back to a fairly...
Haven't updated in a hot minute. These are my thoughts for next week, not advice!
And end of week (EOW) overdue update since things are now interesting again! Just my thoughts, not advice. As always, safe trades!
👀👀👀👀 AAPL about to make a big move! Will it be to the upside or downside, not sure, but a move is coming for sure. As always, safe trades and not advice!
Its been a hot minute since I have shared my thoughts/analysis. So it was time for an update! Leave your questions and comments below, take care!
Final thoughts on SPY, well not necessarily thoughts but uh, final observations on SPY. I am leaving SPY alone for a while, taking a break and heading out on vacay. I'll be back in some weeks and we'll see where SPY is then. Thanks for watching, I appreciate all of everyone's support and follows. As always, take care and safe trades! Correction: At the end...
Hey everyone, Expect a volatile week this week. This week will be our make or break. It either sets the tone for a crash or a recovery back to an ATH. The most likely outcome is TBD. These are just my thoughts and not advice. Safe trades everyone!
Sorry for the congestion and being repetitive at the end showing you what I already showed you haha. I have really bad hay fever and its throwing me for a loop! Allergies suck! Anyway, these are my thoughts. Not advice. Safe trades!
Just my thoughts, not at all advice! Trade your plan and as always, safe trades! The historical ATR post:
Hey everyone, Messy, messy, messy. We continue to only ever go up. As of now, SPY broke out to the upside (with a caveat that I will get into in a second). We are above all thresholds, 3 month and 6 month, with the high prob 560 target right within reach. I don’t really have any doubts that we are snagging this 6 month target first (the 560), before we can even...
Sharing my thoughts and the levels on ES for this coming week. Here is a snippet of the levels for your quick reference: Safe trades all!