Bull Run cheatshet 2022 - Global Reset prep - White line is the Current price of DJI - Dow Jones (Staock Market) Yellow line is DJI 1929 Great Depression FRACTAL overlaid over current price same is the Green Fractal If we keep following this fractal then May to June we will have TOP then all hell break loose Cryto follows Stack Market hencefollowing this...
If we hold $8k we then have a chance of - SUDDENLY - BULLISH CROSS 1st week of DEC 2019 CAN make BTC BULL
BTC seems to be repeating 2012 Algo. Seems like the 2014/2015 algo became obvious to all, change of strategy to confuse all.
Note the previous BEAR MARKET number of days to bottom and currently. We can deduce that there is probability of bottoming out around May -Sept timeframe @ +-$4600 BTC Note the previous BEAR MARKET the 50 day moving average on Weekly pushes us down+-26%, then we go up + 45%. Based on the +70% accuracy repeat of BEAR MARKET, we may see this 50 day moving...
Note the previous BEAR MARKET number of days to bottom and currently. We can deduce that there is probability of bottoming out around May -Sept timeframe @ +-$4600 BTC Note the previous BEAR MARKET the 50 day moving average on Weekly pushes us down+-26%, then we go up + 45%. Based on the +70% accuracy repeat of BEAR MARKET, we may see this 50 day moving average...